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Wednesday, December 28, 2005


My stupid old computer that my parents let me have is being gei -_-
i forgot that on this computer i cannot simply save images onto paint in jpeg format.
dont ask me why, this computer is rather old.
so it may be a little while before I get a sufficient avatar up to match my Duel Jewely goodness T^T

So I'm bored.
I am gonna go the mall today with my dad (FINALLY).
And hopefully--
I'll get my hair cut. -wishes and hopes-
We would have gone to the mall (minus getting my haircut) yesterday but my dad had food poisoning b/c the idiot ate eggs that expired on November 25th -_-
-slaps forehead- that is why I CHECK all my food before I eat it.

i took a new pictuuurreee lol.
here it is if you wanna see my hair b4 its gone (im hellbent on cutting it today!!!):
is huge so i had to link ya -_^

have a happy new year, everyone1


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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ohayo minna-san

good morning everyone!
It won't be morning in ten minutes of course....since I'm writing this at 11:50 am....

My mom is leaving today to go back to KY (thank the gods!!!)
and then later today I'm gonna go to the mall with my dad and buy clothes ^_^
I'm afraid though that he will not let me buy what I want b/c lately he has been all "things are gonna change around here!" and "no more clothes with writing on them!"
so I'm really freaked T_T

Gods please let me do my hair how I wanted to...
I REALLY REALLY hope he does not chicken out on me and tell me I can't and he changed his mind...
I will literally cry this time. Please, goddess, let me have this for me...


P.S. New theme = my loves
like it ^_^?
I'm going to try and keep this theme up for a while...
changing my theme constantly is both
A) running me dry of ideas
B) taking too much time from me

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Sunday, December 25, 2005


I'm bored, have some pics to look at of me XDDD

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Ewww i look terrible in this pic but look at that amazingly sexy beast in front of me!!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
dun dun DUN! my new eyeliner in action XDD i was sooo bored last night x__X;;;

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
That is a piece of fringe I tugged off of Hizumi-sama's jacket at Sugoicon XDDDD

okay okay im done...i must depart now, kaasan and tousan are callign me 9_9


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Late post! gomen ne V___V

All right!
Well we ended up opening gifts last night (Xmas eve) b/c my mom decided it was better that way since we could sleep in this morning.
I got.....
an mp3 player, a digital camera, a bonsai tree, Japanese software, a new hair straightener (like Sakura-chan's ^^), a pretty box with a lock that has a picture of a bonsai tree on it, Amy Brown stationary, an Amy Brown makeup pallete, paper lanterns to hang on my ceiling, and then my dad bought me random stuff throughout the day (like red and white eyeliner, new art supplies, etc.)

Yeah....not that anyone NEEDED to know but ^^;

We also saw the Chronicles of Narnia. I liked it a lot, but then again I'm a sucker for Fantasy movies. Especially ones with creatures in it like centaurs and griffins and all those lovely things ^^;
It's just so much mor appealing than reality, it makes me depressed sometimes that I can't go to a place like that T_T

I've been uploading my CDs to the comp all day and also downloading the mp3s that i never got the chance to put ONTO cds into the mp3 player.
It holds about three hundred seventy-something songs, but i can already tell it won't be enough room ._.;
what can i say? i have a lot of music ^.^;;;;

I cannot wait to get my hair cut/dyed!! I swear if my dad chickens out on me again I'll stab him with a chopstick!!! RAWR!!!

ugh....im still sick...
its just food poisoning i think but ive had it ever since i went to that Japanese place ._.
maybe the sushi was corrupt?

Meri kurisumasu!

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Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry almost Xmas!! lol

Only 12 more hours, ne? ^_^

I feel utterly sick XP
i ate nothing yesterday, practicall nothing...
And then when my dad got home around 5:00 we went out to the Harley store and he got some parts for his bike and I got some fingerless gloves since my other ones are too big.
Then we went to the Japanese hibachi and sushi house.
It was really sweet, one of those restaurants where the stove is in the middle of the table and the guy cooks it with fancy moves and such, you know? lol
I had 3 pieces of sushi (2 salmon and 1 octopus. sounds gross i know but i love it ^^) and then I ordered Calamari and steak.
The guy was nice and while he was cooking he told me to open my mouth and lean back, so i did.
He catapulted 3 pieces of shrimp into my mouth ._.
2 of which i missed, 1 of which i inhaled XDD

There was SO much food I was surprised.
Vegetables, fried rice, noodles, soup, salad, and shrimp CAME with each meal. I could have eaten HALF of that and been full!
oh my gods it was just...bleh....
Oh and no, there were no hot staff. Trust me. I looked. LOL
In fact I believe only about 2 staff members were even Japanese -_-

Well I'll have to check out different Japanese restaurants around here I guess.

I made 2 DVDs yesterday and today.
The first I made with all my PVs and lives b/c we needed the space on the main computer in the living room.
It worked--
however, a little bit of the 4th section of my Duel Jewel live was jacked up -_-
i was sooo pissed off.
Then this morning i made a copy of it, checked the clip on the computer, it worked fine. so i burned it and watched it on my tv, EVEN MORE OF IT WAS FUCKED UP.
i guess its a good thing i transferred all my clips to MY computer ._.;

happy holidays

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Friday, December 23, 2005

in my new apartment

hey all!
Well, I'm in TN now in my new apartment ^_^
It's really nice and very spacious, I love my room it is so big!!
i have my own comp now and my dad bought me new speakers. they are amazing and SO loud and you can adjust the bass as well as the general volume -evil laughter-

My dad said I can dye my hair when my mom goes back to KY, b/c she won't let me do it. But he said if she doesn't know, he won't get yelled at, so he doesn't care XDDD
man I love my dad.
I'm gonna dye it red. fire engine red. and black.
Well, that is what I'm hoping. As long as he doesn't chicken out at the last minute and say no -___-

I don't know about my new school yet, I'm scared to ask ._.
I think I'll wait until I have my dad alone, lol. My mom is a freak out bitch remember?

Oh my gods. My dad pissed off a poor little Asian man. A poor little JAPANESE man. who works at the JAPANESE restaurant. -slaps forehead-
It was b4 my mom and I got here, and my dad's garage was filled with stuff. I mean filled. From front to back.
I'm not sure of the details but all I know is when he finally got them to empty it, they had to call the owner of the stuff aand--
it was the little Asian man T_T
I feel so bad for him.

But that also means--

okay sorry I'm done.
I have to go finish burning my Duel Jewel dvd (wai!)

happy holidays

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Last day here!!!

Wow I'm moving tomorrow ._.
it seems so close!

I'm watching my Jrock DVDs lol
i just saw someone videotape Die-san at a urinal -dies laughing-
these guys are so silly but i love them ^^ such random videos...

My mom is beig a total whoreface as always -_-;

XDDD shinya-ku bathing innapples!!! YAY
sorry, I love Shinya-kun XDD

Anyway, i bought almost everyoe I needed a Xmas present. I just need one for Bunra and i have to return Rachels b/c i messed up lol.

Toshiyaaaaa!!! on a buusssss!!
._. k im done lol

My dad said i can cut and dye my hair!! ^O^ im so happy!!!!

ill update asap whe i get to TN, baibai!


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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Wai! Last day of school!!

i never have to see Ryle again!!
I HAD a picture of Ii and it was so cute b/c he was hiding behind his jacket b/c he does not like cameras, but it got deleted and i nearly died.
So i took a video of him on the bus LOL)he was sweet though and i gave him chocolate ^^ he even said "bye" to me and shook my hand lol
such a cute boy...

As soon as my friend Gloria uploads the pix from her cam I'll edit em and post okay? ^_^ they are gorgeous i promise lol

I also made a sign for die-san's birthday and safety pinned it to my shirt XDD it says "Happy birthday Die-san!" in japanese, so no one else got it LOL

I am moving on Thursday, so I have much to do. My friend God (it's his nickname, lol) and I might go see "Memoirs of a Geisha" tonight. I don't know if I can though... I want to!

I don't know what school I am going to now!!
My mom is freaking out about my new school b/c apparently it is a really bad school with a huge drop out avg. and a small graduation avg. So now she is threatening to send me to this private christian academy.
IM NOT CHRISTIAN for one thing.
and on another note...
^_^ i feel better. lol
Now that THAT is over...

as soon as I get to TN I promise I will try to update! And may everyone's holidays be joyful this winter ^_^
I don't think mine will be entirely enjoyable, but I suppose I can try to make the best of it. It's better than being down about it, right?

good luck to all!


P.S. x__x I failed about three classes -dies-
three Fs, a C, a B, and an A.
Seeing a problem here? lol
In nearly every other year of my school life I have recieved just about the opposite (as in mostly As and hardly ever even a D)
x__x -cry- and if i go to this dumb fucking "Christian Academy" I KNOW I will do poorly. so help me, i will fucking SLUFF SCHOOL if I go there -_-
-anime veign pulsates-

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Code of Vulgar[ism]

Gods I love this dvd....
the Shinya baby washing his puppy ^_^ so cute.

I just woke up about an hour ago...
and Hana-chan STILL has not called me about the AB tonight.
Nor has Dolly told me if she is going.
-steams- -anime veign pulsates-

So I'm going to have to CALL them later in the morning, then call Hana as well, all while packing up my room into the uhaul.

Only 48 more hours of school to go.
I can so do this.
Just two more days...
and then I'm out forever...

my dad unhooked the regular comuter and is taking it down with him to TN. So I won't be able to use anything but the laptop until next Friday or Saturday. Which means no music, no videos, no AIM.

oh yes, and one last thing...
I'm amazed, and I am not being a sarcastic bitch, but I am utterly amazed that everyone is busy all at the same time.
Because I hardly ever get comments anymore.
I mean, I understand people are busy but damn.
Then again it is getting close to a lot of people's semesters ending..so people with actual lives are probably out studying for their finals...


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Friday, December 16, 2005


I woke up this morning to find I lost another pound and was happy ^_^
then i got to school and with my lack of will power running my body--
ate two doughnuts and a handful of fries. But that was in the morning so i worked some of it off by now ^^
and then i came home and ate toast...damn toast...

Well, we had a one hour delay today.
but usually once I wake up I cannot get back to sleep...
so i was up at 5:30 and had to wait until 7:53 to go outside for my bus -_-

I pulled a muscle in my leg yesterday when I ran the mile...PAIN today. I had to limp lol

My dad is coming home tonight for the weekend and then taking my stuff back down with him so i have to go pack...


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