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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Owie owie owie...;o;

I had to run the mile today, it SUCKED. Damn my asthma...
We could walk it, which me and my friends did about 90% of the time, but I ended up making it at about 17 minutes LOL
So pathetic 9_9;

I found this GREAT Duel Jewel video I had never seen before when I was looking on the computers at school and I started freaking out lol
But it owuld not load on the school comps b/c of the stupid internet blocks so i had to wait until i got home to watch it.
It was so great, man I love them so much ;.;

I also found a FABULOUS hide-sama shirt on Ebay while at school.
I will beg if I have to, I MUST HAVE THAT SHIRT!!!
It will go with my other X Japan shirt, mwahahaha...

Ugh I have a lot of homework to do, I had better get on it...
damn finals -__-;


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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

blech...I hate school...

school = horrible
in english, my normally A+ subject, I forgot the function of a gerund phrase. I have trouble with functions, don't ask me why. Anyway, the teacher calls on me to call out the answer, and it seems that every random question i had left blank (which was like 1 or 2 on eitherp aper we corrected) she called on me for!
I smell a conspiracy....
and I hate hate HATE being wrong, especially in subjects I'm known to excel at, so I could feel my face burning up when I blushed ;o;

It's supposed to snow a lot again tonight...
Everyone was talking about this "huge snow day" again tomorrow.
but I highly doubt it...
My luck is never that good lol

For all MYspace goers--
I updated my theme again. and it reminds ome of Shun ^o^

off to do the MASS of homework I got...


Ashita wa gakkou ni ikitakunai na...;o;

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

current song: Drop it Like it's Hot :: by Snoop Dogg (I hate this song but it reminds me of Miyavi XDD)

Thanks for the comment on the poem Saru ^^; I'm glad you liked it ^_^

I'm eating a waffle...
a blueberry waffle...
with peaches on it...
and whipped cream...
luckily the peaches and whipped cream are both low fat mwahahaa

I had to do the pull up test in PE today. Well...the one where you just hang there you know? Your chin has to be above the bar and everything. Yeah well I got four seconds LMAO
That is good for me, too. I am so athletically inept, ne?

the semester as well as my year at the hellhole known as Ryle High ends next Tuesday. Thank the gods 9_9
Then I'm off to Tennessee and inotm y new apartment ^_^
I am so excited, this is the thirteenth time I've moved (and yet I'm not even 15 ._.) and 13 is my lucky number so I have a good feeling, lol. Not that I'm superstitious, but it's also because the apartment is huge and my room is so much bigger -cries in happiness- I HATE SMALL ROOMS!!

But anyway...nothing new happened today really....

So I'm just going to go do the pile of homework waiting for me...and talk to katie if she EVER gets off "idle" on YIM -__-


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Monday, December 12, 2005

._.;; oh my...

Yes people, stupid stupid me--
I forgot my gym clothes today.
Only thing I have to say:
Whoops ._.;

In good news, I showed my personal project in art today. I made a memorial/collage of Kami-sama ^__^ I also put a poem I wrote for him on it. Here, just b/c this post is in great risk of being excruciatingly short, I'll post that too.
In Loving Memory of Kamimura Ukyou

On velvet wings
Unfurl your dreams
Your body held you back
You’re free to hold
Shielded from the cold
Be the only one
To enter the sun
Beyond the clouds
My butterfly
My chosen one
Unraveling your silky wings
To ride another day
Feeling wind upon velvet
As you take to the sky
Once again my precious butterfly
Be all that you couldn’t
Do all that you wouldn’t
When the weight of the world chained you down.

Yes well there you go... that is it, lol. I'd take a picture of the collage but it's merely a bunch of pictures of Kami-sama, some kanji, and a big blue butterfly. Nothing spectacular.

I need to buy some sharpies in various colors x__X...

Oh and I forgot to mention--
On Friday when I went to the mall with Katie, Dolly, Rachel, Jen, and Bunra, this lady came up to ask us if we were a band ._.;
Look at it this way guys, six teenagers with an assortment of intricately designed Vuisual Kei style clothing, colored hair, spike jewelry, etc etc.
So I can sort of see where she got it from. Point is, Bunra toldh er "Yeah, we're a band." -shifty eyes- and she said "Oh really? Are you playing here?!" and he said back "No, uh...we aren't playing tonight." -shifty eyes once more-
-shakes head- Wow I am amazed at some people lol.
Oh yeah and we got kicked out of Victoria's Secret for putting makeup on Bunra x___x Sexist jerks...lol
Fare well for now! and I'm going to put up more fanart soon besides the four i have up already ^_^


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Sunday, December 11, 2005


I was at Katie's and Jen's.
Gomen V__V

But im back now and not much to say..
Jen found a Japanese grocery store and her mom would not come back to get katie and me at their house b/c it was in the opposite direction so we didnt get to see it ;o;
i was so pissed, rawr >O<

My dad is back until 2morrow morning (like 3 am) and so today we went with my mom too to see Harry Potter. It was really good, the effects were great. I loved the dragons -_^

And we're going to the Asian Buffet for dinner l8er b/c my mom promised me i could lol.

I'm gonna watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail soon (my parents are watfching the dumb football game, ugh i hate sports XP) b/c my mom simply ADORES that movie and had to buy it and i have not seen it yet so yeah 9_9

I will also change my theme soon, most likely. I love Seo, but seeing the same thing over and over is getting on my nerves.

I have designed a good hairstyle i want but i do not know if i want it now..
I mean it is an AWESOME style, and Jen loved it too, and I love it a lot..
but i dont know if id look good with it.
I mean i get a lot of boy attention with my normal hair (not bragging ppl, for the record -_-;) but most of it is from perverted ppl who are not my type anyway ._.;

Like last night that Korean boy i met at orientation texted my cell (i dont know how he got my # ._.) and asked me out x_x
Jen was going "say yes! say yes!"
and i wont.
1) i dont even like him that much, he is kind of annoying and i wouldnt have a good relationship

2) he is not attractive (im shallow just a bit V_V)

3) I'm moving in like 1 week, so no. 9_9

yeah so I guess there WAS stuff to talk about lol.


I have 4 fanarts up currently, check them out if you get the time please ^^

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Friday, December 9, 2005

Current song: Ready Steady Go ::: by L'Arc en Ciel (Ken on vocals)

I'm losing weight like crazy...
I wonder if I should be worried...
-tilts head-

I'm trying currently to work out what I'm doing today.
LONG story but it's becoming difficult -_-;
(i.e. Katie's dad)

I just woke up about ten minutes ago -yawn-
so i had better go finish working out all this junk...


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Thursday, December 8, 2005


as for yesterday, i got over it.
I swear to the gods I'm bipolar ._.

I am currently eating lite (i wonder why they spell that differently...) whipped cream with a fork.
It makes me very happy ^_^

And I lost a couple pounds from my weight gain in Boston, another plus. So now I'm about back to normal (I only gained like 3 pounds but that is a lot for me ;-;)

We got off of school early b/c it was hailing -__-
and only by ten minutes.
Wooo, feel my enthusiasm?

We may have a snow day tomorrow but somehow I sincerely doubt it.
Everyone was freaking out about it so much at school it was even on the announcements.
We may have a snow day but all I see is hail so far.

Well I had better go find something to do...
like my economics homework.


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Wednesday, December 7, 2005


Why can't people just fucking make up their mind, honestly?
I told EVERYONE that I was leaving in two weeks.
including teachers, students, friends, EVERY-FUCKING ONE
NOW my mother decides that I am not moving until two wednesdays from now. I was SUPPOSED to leave on Sunday ;-;

I'm so pissed off I could cry...
I know I'm a baby and it's only two days but that doesn't matter to me.
I hate having my plans changed, for various reasons, ask anyone who knows me.
I may be spoiled, I dont know. That is your decision.
but point is:
I'm pissed to tears at the moment.
My plans have been changed for the third or fourth time thus far.
And it does not make me nice.

Oh and to top this ALL off--


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Tuesday, December 6, 2005

::: current song - Trek the Data Yar Tango ::: by Voltaire :::Dirty dirty song...and yet all the same, so discreet ._.;

Well my mom succeeded im making me cry again.
I swear I'm over sensitive about everything.
i was wearing a shirt that says "Got sake?" on it and i say it how it is intended to be pronounced (sa-kay). she got all bent out of shape and told me to "say it like a white girl", in other words, she got mad and called me a wannabe b/c I wouldn't say it like "sa-key" (which by the way is not even proper) and then when i told her "well that is how you pronounce it" she just kept on going -__-
on a higher note, we started archery in gym yesterday and yesterday i only got 1 out of 3 arrows on the bullseye (or even on target for that matter..) but today i got all three into the bullseye, the very center, and i was so happy ^_^
I love archery, it is so fun.
I have to actually do things in TN, b/c i intend to actually HAVE a life when i get there:

I'm going to take violin back up, and get lessons until I'm caught up on what I used to know.

I'm going to get help with my guitar and hopefully at least get the basics down by summer.

I'm going to get back into karate so I can get fit again (thinking, either swords or fans....hm...)

I'm going to get into archery club hopefully, b/c that is just such a rush. I love the feelign I get right before I release the bow ^__^

I'm going to freshen up on my Japanese b/c I'm getting there (I finally got most of the particles down! yatta!) and get a job. There are tons of Japanese restaurants around my house sooo -shifty eyes- mwahaha
I'm so excited b/c my new room in TN is twice the size of my one here (mine here is like a fecking BROOM closet, I hate small rooms ;-;)
And I have my own bathroom (i usually do since its just me and my parents in the house but this one is right next to my room, mwahaha) and my own balcony! I'm so happy I cannot wait, I've always wanted a balcony in my room ;o;
I have a good feeling about this move...


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Monday, December 5, 2005


i skipped my detention that ass teacher gave me.
I had no ride home and my mom emailed the bitch.
So I'm probably gonna be in huge trouble tomorrow...
Oh well, I'll live.

I complain too much...
I'm sorry...
don't I?
It's crappy I know but lately I just don't find many things to speak happily of T_T I'm sorry.

I am moving in two weeks.
So this weekend I'm hoping to go to the Asian Buffet with Jen and Katie and then spend the night.
I mean, since it will be my last weekend to see them and all.

I decided to join Duel Jewel's fan club. If I donate for my membersip I get special things, some autgraphed ^__^
So I'm hoping to at least get $60 saved up.
I already have $41 but it's in my CONVENTION box, which is money i save for anime conventions...
So I don't know, I'll just wait for my Xmas money to come in and then decide what to do.

Oyasumi nasai minna-san

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