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Thursday, November 17, 2005


My friend Gloria told me that she found a new Asian boy with Jrock hair (we think he's a freshie like us LMAO) in school!!!!
She's gonna introduce me tommorrow @__@ -drools at thought-

im eating neapolitan ice cream...damn ive eaten like half the box since we got it -guilt- -shame- -angst-

going to Boston soooon ^__^ just two more days until we leave (2 more full days...we leave on Sunday)

wow i should stop eating this my mom will definitely come home and tell me im fat b/c she hasnt had any of this yet...
note to self: NEVER eat ice cream out of the box ;_;
OMG I ATE IT TO THE BOTTOM!! AAAUUGHHH!! -puts box away- .__.
-grabs knees and rocks back and forth-


P.S. I have my pic of me w/D'Ray scanned so if you want me to post it tell me in a comment please and ill do it either l8er tonight or tommorrow morning or something b/c i prolly wont be here 2morrow afternoon (going to a concert maybe)

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I found pix of the D'ray live and i found a pic of Zero and you can see me and Jen in it!!
(Zero-sama = sexy beast -licks-)

long story about today but i got in trouble @ school b/c i had holes in my jeans (in the knees).
LONG story and ive told it so many times today i dont even wanna tell it anymore.
I cant wait to get out of my hillbilly school...

and my supposed F in Art is actually in Homeroom (called fine arts by the dumb principal to my dad). an F. in homeroom.
what is the world coming to?


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Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Thank you Zero li Enna, I know you are right...
and thanks to the other 2 people to comment, it meant something to me that at least a few people cared.

I have a lot of English homework to do -_-;
And my dad is going to let me move in with him as soon as I want to, though it will be a 1 bedroom apt for a while...
Assuming we have the money to do that b4 Xmas.

Ugh I feel so full...
It sounds stupid b/c I only had was 3 fries and half of a biscuit thing at lunch...and i just ate a bowl of cereal....
But oh my gods I feel so sickeningly full XP

For everyone who knows me on Myspace, I put up new pictures, if you are interested...


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Monday, November 14, 2005

   ;o; I'm trying not to cry, I cannot believe this...::WARNING:: RANT AHEAD ::END WARNING::

Okay I now officially announce it:
My school is the biggest shithole piece of fucking crap ever built.
Sure it is filled with hot Asian-ness, and I pity them b/c they have to go to school there.

First of all, I just discovered I have 2 Fs. In what classes?
My two easiest ones.
Art and English.
How the fuck do I fail art and english?!
I heard my mom tell me and almost burst into tears on the bus.
I have never had an F on a report card EVER. I've had them on progress reports but they were always brought back up...
I don't even udnerstand why...

And how my PARENTS found out about the bad grades before I did, was because my prinicpal (dickwad motherfucker that he is) wouldnt excuse my absences next week for Thanksgiving (going to Boston, remember) and so he had to call my parents.
Well they are excusing my absences now but my dad is about to rip my head off b/c of those Fs.
I'm ready to rip my OWN head off, actually.
Gods I hate this school so much...
I know I'm smart enough to do the work, people tell me that all the time, I just don't...
I'm lazy or something. Unmotivated. However many adjectives people have used to describe my academic ability...
And I've had a really crappy year, but that doesn't excuse the fact that any free non-drama time I DID have I probably spent enjoying myself rather then doing homework...
And I loathe my teachers.
I like ONE solitary teacher. My homeroom one.
The rest are all insensitive pricks (well not all are that bad, just a select few, but i still do not like them). And the principal/vice principal is a total fucking idiot, everyone knows it and hates his guts almost as much as they hate my Algebra teacher (queen bitch-moron that she is).

*screams and bangs head on desk*
I think I'm a little better now...
still feel like ripping my own head off though...


on to happier news:
I went to Media Play yesterday and bought Jen-chan's Xmas present. I didnt plan on buying anything really, but I saw this and HAD to get it for her b/c I knew she would LOVE it to death and it was on sale (no no, it was on sale TWICE!) so I could afford it ^_^
No only...*counts* ._.
seven more people to go....
Somehow I think I'll be needing more money soon..Katie is so hard to shop for and HANA...oh my gods Hana-chan will be sooo hard to find a gift for...


Hope you all have a good day...

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Sunday, November 13, 2005


Asian Buffet last night = AWESOME
It made my whole mood so much better b/c I saw every single sexy beast in the place since it was a busy night and they all had to occasionally come out to either use the bathroom or put out food XDD AND THEY SAID...HI!!! *squees*
(me? Need a life? Why I am appalled!!! *shifty eyes*)

My parents and I rented Willy Wonka today, I've seen it but I love Tim Burton and Johnny Depp and my mom wanted to see it so we got it anyway XD
my dad didnt like it @__@

We went out to eat for breakfast and I felt so utterly...
well you can guess the word if you've known me for a while.
Let's just say it was a buffet and I whined about too much fat for about 10 minutes ^^;

I found this Japanese CD-rom at Media Play (or rather, my mom did) and I'm planning on getting it so I can get a little assistance. I already admit it I know quite a bit, but not nearly enough to have an extensive conversation. Just merely enough to comminucate ^^;

We were gonna go to Media Play today so I could see it and look around at guitars and whatnot, but it was closed b/c we were up at ungodly hours -_- (aka 9:00 am)
So nothing was open, but we're going back later today. And I have to get my Duel Jewel shirt from Katie's house...

I cannot WAIT until next week!
We're leaving for Boston next Sunday, and I LOVE it there. Salem is amazing, we went there for Halloween last year. and omg, wait for the comment--
(I'm terrible I know 9_9)
Last time I was there I rode on the subway and I was surrounded by a big group of Asian business-men looking guys, and one of them was reading Rurouni Kenshin over my shoulder (i had the manga XD)
It made me happy,
And my mom promised to buy me my own digital camera to take with me ^o^
So Chinatown hotness better beware! For I now have to power of---

That is about it for today...School tommorrow, joy for me, ne? 9_9 *sighs*


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Saturday, November 12, 2005

avatar trouble

i keep trying to change my avatar from Zero-sama to Kami-sama but it will not work.
Do you guys see Zero or Kami?
Please tell me b/c I don't know if it is my computer or what.


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Im back

back from Katie's house.
We took a bunch of really cool pix last night I'll try to show you guys a couple once Jen gets them uploaded.

I'm not in a very good mood...
I am pissed off about this bitch on Myspace 9_9

nothing really to report um...*thinks of something to say*
We went to the mall today (me; Jen; Katie; Dolly; Bunra; and Bunra's friend, Bid). We ran into EJ and these two people named Christina and Raven (none of whom I'd particularly like to see but it wasn't bad or anything).

Okay well...
I should go practice my guitar, it's been getting neglected...and I have some issues I should be working out but I want to talk to Katie or Joey-kun but niether of them are online sadly...


P.S. My dad gets home today for the weekend and then goes back down to TN on Monday morning. We're probably going out to eat today at the AB but I dont know...

P.P.S. Oh, fuck it all, I left my Duel Jewel shirt at Jen's ;_; *cries* my favorite shirt, guys!!!

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Friday, November 11, 2005

My hands are freezing off *blows on them*

Yesterday was just terrible.
The whole cat deal started it, then I found out I might not go over to Jen/Katie's house b/c someone might be there that I would prefer not to be around for the sake of keeping everyone else sane, and we are not going to the AB (still pissed about that by the way).

I've just got to stop making plans anymore.

I skipped school today, it is 9:14 AM right now, while I'm typing this. I didn't intend to but i overslept and I woke up around 7:25 when my bus comes at 6:55. I woke up my mom but she was on muscle relaxers so she couldnt drive me and let me stay home.

*sigh* If i do not go to Katie's I guess I can just go to Tennessee...
I mean at first my mom said we were going, then she said we weren't, now we may do it again anyway. So I don't really care now.

*blows on hands again* my gods they're so cold they are stiff and I'm having trouble typing...
no kidding.


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Thursday, November 10, 2005

wiping tears away as I type

We just got back from putting my mom's cat to sleep...
he had kidney disease and his teeth were abscessed and he was emaciated (he stopped eating b/c of his teeth)...and he could barely walk...
I couldn't even stay in the room, my mom held him while they did it but....
I couldnt watch....the needle itself would have made me pass out...

I didnt think I would cry...
I honestly didnt...
but I did, and my mom was bawling as well...
I came in when I heard her crying more, and saw him just laying there...and i just started crying.
he was purring before he went...

To just imagine what he was going through...to not know you're about to die...
and then suddenly everything goes foggy...
I cannot imagine what that would be like...I just hope he knew how much we loved him, I know my mom did not want to let him go...

I'm sorry I know this must sound odd, to be so upset over a pet cat, but he was as old as I am, I grew up with him, and his life was as precious as any of my other family members.

I may not update tomorrow, I am going to Jen's house around 4 o'clock. I'll try though...



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Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Bad News and Good news

good news:
We got our new laptop and scanner and Ipod.

bad news:
I'm not allowed to use the laptop or ipod. Just the scanner.

Good News:
Might go to the AB with Jen and Katie on Saturday.

Bad news:
My mom's cat is dying. He can barely stand up and he will not eat. I don't expect him to live through tomorrow...

Good News:
There is a scholarship program that Toyota or Ford or SOMEONE is sponsoring that will give me both a scholarship, and a chance to go to Japan!

Bad News:
It may not apply in TN...I don't know...

Good News:
(I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geicko) Okay I'm sorry I had to say it, but no there is really no more good news that i can think of...

Bad News:
Military came to PE AGAIN today.
I still hurt everywhere...
*mutters* Damned marines...

Yeah well that about sums it up.
Report tomorrow-


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