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Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Current Song: Following You by Boy'z
Current Mood: I feel fat and bitchy

still feel fat b/c i only lost 3 pounds XP
and now im eating a small bowl of Special K.
AT first I was gonna eat it but saw it had 150 calories and freaked out and put it back and my mom was all "no no no that is nothing! it is a weight loss cereal!" -__-
so she made me have that instead of FIFTEEN CALORIE salad *cries*

I feel so stupid, ranting about my calories. Isn't that an exciting subject XP

Yeah sooo anyway off of that pointless subject... my friend Joey (from Myspace) is so sweet ^^
He sent me this picture:
Isn't it cute? It made me so happy when he sent it to me b/c i was having a really crappy day (though i doubt he knew it) He is Korean and soooo adorable. ^___^ Gods I sound like a stalker LOL

The officer in our school still has not given me back my spiked bracelet! He is really nice about it and all, he just forgot to give it to me in 6th (last) period today -__-;

I'm hoping to go to the Asian Buffet this Saturday with Jen and Katie.
But my parents are going to TN and they don't care either way, but I cannot decide...
I really really want to go to Jen/Katie's house b/c we were going to make hairfalls and armwarmers and whatnot, and the AB (assuming i get the $$) I guess if I cannot go to the AB (if I Don't get the money) then I'll go to TN to go to the Japanese sushi house *been DYING to go there ever since I saw it* and see my new school.


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Fat...is...consuming me...

it's a fat day.
Lovely, ne? (ooh that rhymed!)

That is it. Sooo not eating today. And I'm taking a mile walk when I get home. Assuming it's not completely cold outside. Then I might only take it halfway, or just as far as I can go without having an asthma attack and dying.


Check back l8er b/c I'll update after school.


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Monday, November 7, 2005

Damn them

Hana-chan and Erin and their friend Sara went to the AB last night and i wanted to go but i am cashless and my parents would not just bring me cash and then drove back home -_-

But Hana-chan said she was sad b/c she didnt see "Kevin" there lol
the nwhen they were leaving Erin ASKED a hostess if he was there, b/c she doesnt like him like that thus she isnt afraid of asking about him.
He was just off for the day.

Gods i want some Asian food...


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Sunday, November 6, 2005


I decided not to delete my old account just yet.
It will be inactive, I just have so much stuff in the archives and whatnot.
But I will not be updating it.
I may delete it sooner or l8er and if anyoen wants me to post a warning b4 hand (cannot imagine why anyone would want 1 if its not going to be active) then comment and tell me.
But maybe i will save the old posts or something i dont know.

but that is the newset of nes for me.


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deleting the old account today

I'll be deleting my old account tonight.
Tomorrow I'll be updating this site instead.


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Friday, November 4, 2005

Remember, only 2 more days.

I'm still updating main events on my old account until Sunday.
So if you're looking for important events go to the old site please.


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Thursday, November 3, 2005

help!! ;o;

Okay I asked Jen/Katie to DL these songs for me b/c i promiesed a friend from school I'd make her a CD about a month ago and I feel so gukilty b/c i cant DL the songs sicne i have no Limewire.
I need someone who can possibly DL the songs for me and send them to me! And help is soooo appreciated you have no idea!
PLEASE Anyone who is willing to help please comment or PM me!


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Wednesday, November 2, 2005


Short post:

I'm going to update my theme every 2 weeks or so from now on because I'm having school difficulties.


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Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Welcome to my new site

Yes well...
In case anyone is wondering, I had issues on my other site with people.
So I changed my name, b/c I'm just good like that, lol.

Well...I'll continue to update on my next site, at least until Sunday.
I ask only that my old friends whom I invited back do not mention my change of name.
Thank you


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