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Thursday, March 15, 2007

oh my god
I'm SO embarassed right now
I've been blushing for like 10 minutes straight...

I was talking to Yuky, right?
he was being his usual SPAZZOID self, typing in frantic half english/half spanish like he always does.
We were trading pictures, once again arguing that he was GORGEOUS (he wont admit it, he always says "yuky is ugly" -_-).
And I found this picture that Megan and I took in a tiny little park by my apartment building.
It's of a slide.
.....that looks like a penis.

the alleged "penis"

I forgot, however that I didn't know the word for "slide" in Spanish.
So he was like "uhh no entiendo???"
so I tried explaining as best I could (often saying "lo siento!!!! no conoco la palabra en español!!" which is "I'm sorry!!! I don't know the word in spanish!"
needless to say, he was still confused despite my numerous apologies.
.............DDD: omg

I hope he doesn't see what it's shaped like and think I was trying to send him PORN or something!!!!

he was quiet for a little while (he takes a while to reply to IMs, though, sometimes, but rapid thoughts of "omg he hates me he thinks im retarded and vulgar and gross omg omg omg" still crossed my mind)
and then while I panicked to 2 friends (one who knows spanish a little and one who knows yuky too)
he IMs me back about maybe 5-10 minutes later saying "no problem, jeje. voy acer trabajos, okay?? mil kisses for youuu beautyyyy!!"
uhh i guess roughly translated (that boy has type-os out the ass xDD) it means "no problem, hehe. I'm going to work, okay??? One thousand kisses for you, beauty!"
I told him good luck and no problem and he said "love youuuuu! byebye"
but im still like...bashing my REDREDRED face against the keyboard.
I hope I didn't scare him
I'm such a paranoid freak!!!


oh jesus christ
-dies on the spot-

[/end melodrama]


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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Heylo there peopllllle

I'm in a good mood today
school felt like a WEEK, though...
but as soon as I got home I took a shower (which I totally needed, my hair was disgusting!!) and did a little of my biology homework.
Drew something retarded beyond imagination...xDD
This is what happens when my imagination runs wild......

At first I was just gonna draw Shun in a banana suit.....due to a running inside-joke between a couple of friends and I *cough cough*
Then I thought "hey...Hayato could be an apple...Yuya could be a pineapple....muhahahahaaaaaa"
Oh jesus this is just proof that I'm a total geekwad.

I am planning on redying my hair soon.
Cutting it this weekend if I decide my short part is long enough.
My Jrock-mullet will soon be a distant memoryyy~

Argh okay well I have nothing else of much importance to say soooo......
farewell for now!



XDDD I love you Dir en grey, I really do, but HOLY JESUS SHITFUCKING CHRIST

its pretty sad when fake lyrics make more sense than originals xD;;;

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007


a few things, this may be brief.
biology class = hell on earth.
I finally just raised my hand while we were discussing WHY our class has more Fs than both his other classes put together
and I said
"I don't care who I offend or who gets mad at me ffor saying this, but I'd bet anything it's because 90% of this class is obnoxious and stupid."
Some kid goes "you're obnoxious and stupid! You're the only one in here with colored hair!"
Me and a bunch of friends in there were like o__O
"yeah. that was relevant"

Dad picked me up from school today, totally unannounced.
He had the motorcycle XDDDD
it was so funny. he doesn't have baffles on it, its completely straight pipe. So when he starts it up it is freakishly loud, and he made a bunch of kids jump that were standing outside. I laughed.
And he said he almost ran over the marching band LMAO
those poor poor band kids xD;;;;
My friend from biology (Logan) comes up and goes "is that your dad?"
me: "no, it's a stranger. I take a ride from anyone on a motorcycle."
XD god!! loser! I should smack him tomorrow.
My dad laughed at him all day. I just said "aahh that kid does a lot of drugs, don't blame him xD"
he really does, so whatever, I'm not lying XD;;;
my parents dont care as long as i dont do them :DD yayyy

I suck.
I swore I wouldn't IM yuky for a while b/c I think im bugging him (I'm super paranoid).
But I just did.
all i said was "aren't you tired??"
b/c its like LATE in barcelona right now.
damn it.
I'll bet he hates me
nooooooooo. I suck. i suck. omg I suck.
I suuuuck super bad
-dies more-

yeah I'm better.

i want yogurt.
so....BAII 8D


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Friday, March 9, 2007

I am SO incredibley tired today.
I fell asleep reading Cure on the bus this morning. Well not really ASLEEP, but close enough, my eyes wouldn't stay open ):
Oh god speaking of Cure...this little manga-kind-fof-doujinshi-but-not comic was in it, called "sukarupu" (scalp, I think?).
It's ADORABLE. I was reading the piece in my issue (it's issue #41) and was going "aawwwwoooohhhh ;0;!" every 2 seconds
xDD I'm so lame.

I've found a new band obsession
They're amazing.

(uhmm...and at risk of sounding like a total fangirlistic pigface -- their vocalist is a sexmuffin)

guiratist too....bahahaha I'm such a horny schoolgirl sometimes.

This is like Die in a dress. I swear on my life, he is Die in a fucking loli dress.

....ohhh atsuto. You're so weird...xDD I laugh at you. See. Haaa. haha. ha. HA.

:) They make me happy.
so does Missa but no one knows who they are so I have difficulty finding their music at ALL.
If anyone ever finds music by a BAND called Missa, not the Dir en grey album, but the BAND -- send it my way.
I'll be EXTREMLY grateful. Forever.

Oh shit.
In biology today our teacher let us go outside since it was warm. We just screwed around on the football field for a while, basically. It was fun :D
I decided I am an extreme bitch lord though LMAO
This kid that I loathe entirely wore shitty black lipstick today, and anyone who knows me will tell you that if I think something about you I have no issue saying it to your face.
It's my rule. If I can't say it to the person's face then it shouldn't be said at all.
So me and 5 of my friends in that class were on the football bleachers being dorks and grabbing eachothers asses and sitting on one another and taking pictures etc. etc.
He sits behind us because he thinks we like him for some reason, he just doesn't get that w don't like him, even though most of us are just BLATANTLY rude now just to get him away from us.
So we see the black lipstick and...yeah we basically told him it looked like shit and to take it off. Made him mad but I could care less :)

I really am a hypocrite bitch, I know.
But if you're my friend I'm sweet as can be :D
So it's a love or hate kind of thing. You can't just "like" me.

Also while walking to and from the football field we passed this car that had a plastic rooster ducttaped to the hood
and a little squeeze-horn attached to the mirror.
Oh we laughed so hard.
Then we took my purple sharpie from my purse and wrote on the duct tape "sweet chicken" "you're my hero :D" and "I want your 'cock' "
Yeah we rock
LOL just kidding, just kidding.
But it was one amazing car.
If only I had a camera with me....

I've been wanting red sauce and pasta ALL day (Alayna loves her pasta, yes she does.)
and my dad is making spaghetti
I can smell the bread cooking and it's making my mouth water -dies-

I'm gonna be such a fatass LOL

Oh! Yeah I almost forgot...
My brother sent me $100 for my belated birthday gift
I was complaining all this month and last about how I'm so broke and need cash because I used to have at least $50 all the time, and now I have like a quarter.
So I was really happy and left him a VERY excited phone message

Okay ...so I'm on LJ last night, right?
Megan was over and we were just fucking around on the internet.
I go to check my friend Crystal's latest LJ post and she says Duel Jewel has a new photoset out, but she put the photos under an LJ-cut.
So anyway I click it....and immediately start laughing so hard that tears are STREAMING down my face and I can't even begin to REMEMBER how to breathe.
....and this is why...

Oh Shun. Now I remember exactly why I love this man almost more than life itself.

I can't even look at it without busting up laughing. Even now I'm just absolutely trying hard not to die where I sit. ROFL!

It was funny, I would look up at my Duel Jewel posters last night and see Shun....and just start laughing again.
Megan was all "are you going to be okay? O_O"
xDDD I shrieked like a banshee.

okay -wipes tears away- ANYWAYYYY bahaha

Duel Jewel may be coming back to the US soon!!!!
GNLKGDN You have no idea how excited I am!! I'm saving that $100 from my brother in my concert funds, and I'm applying for jobs like hell xD;
I will not miss them :D

now I should go, I have CDs to burn for Megan and I have to put in a a few applications
have a good day, all~


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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

xDDD thanks for the compliments on my hairrrr -blushes-
I'm dieting.

I was limiting my calorie intake to 500 (which is more than what I used to have as a limit before I got all FAT), but that's a bit too dramatic of a change, so I'm just eating light, no more than 1500 a day.
I'm eating wheat thins x3
When I'm back up to speed with that then I'll gradually work my way to 500.
I know it's not TOTALLY healthy, but that's how I best lose weight, and it's more familiar to me.
I used to cut it to 250/300 back in freshman year and the summer before.
So I think this isn't that bad :B
in comparison.

I NEED to practice my japanese, holy SHIT.
I'm so behind, I mean I know enough to read some of CURE but that's like IT.
I don't know where to begin learning kanji again. I know hiragana and katakana, but blah i only know about 20ish kanji.

Well I did end up going with Megan and Scott to Kabutos (Japanese hibachi grill)
the food wasn't so good, it was cooked in this really REALLY disgustingly sweet sauce
so sweet I almost wanted to vomit just smelling it
D: I feel bad.

and my stomach hurts, ugh.
I ate crackers and yogurt when I got home to ease my stomach, even though I hardly ate anything at the restaurant because of that sweet stuff (stuck partially to my diet of sorts, then)

I can't wait until the weekend.
i just want to laze around

my dad got a new job!!!
He's working for Dish Satellite now, he just has to take a drug test (which he'll pass XD) and then he starts :)
I'm glad, I was worried he may not find a job before his current one runs out!!
It pays better AND he doesn't have to work nearly as often.
His boss is cool too and also rides a harley, AND used to live in our EXACT same apartment building. Not just the complex but the BUILDING.
freaky ne?

Yeah I'm tired so I'll stop rambling and sleep now.



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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

pictures :D

Wow it's been a while since I updated.
This won't be very long, though, reguardless ;;;;;;; ahaha.

This weekend I went to the mall both Saturday and Sunday, Saturday I went with Megan's friend Callie (it was kind of awkward because I don't know her really and I kind of thought she hated me for a LONG time but it turns out she didn't).
Sunday- Megan, Callie, and I all went to the bigger mall downtown for a while.
I dyed my hair Sunday morning (it's this magenta-red on the side again). I put in 3 shades of red, bottom layer darkest, top layer lightest.
It all blended a little bit to this deep blood-red O_O;; in lack of a better comparison.
So I'm like "uhhhh".

At the big mall (Opry Mills) we went to this store called Earthbound, which is a big store that sells cultural things and inscense and things like that. I saw a small group of Asian guys checking out at the counter but I didn't really think much of it (I'm not a Japanophile, I don't jump at every chance to see an Asian person @___@;;; those kind of people freak me out).
But as they left they had to pass me and Callie and Megan, and one of them smiled, looked me up and down, and said SOMETHING but I didn't hear what. It may have just been "hey"
I was like O_o "uhhmm?"
He was probably thinking "What the hell is wrong with white people these days"
XD kidding, kidding.
I bought Cure. I don't generally buy this magazine unless one of my FAVORITE bands is in it.
Bands like UnsraW and ScRew and stuff, bands that I LOVE, are almost ALWAYS in it.
But I mean favorite as in Duel Jewel, D'espairs Ray, or Sadie. D'espa isn't in it much anymore, though.
Anyway (god I ramble a lot) Sadie was on this one, and it's the February issue so I had to snag it before it was taken off the shelves.
I hate Hot Topic, normally D:, but I had to buy it. Had to.
I got a free Sadie poster. XDDD
See, I was going to just buy the magazine, take out the poster, then return the magazine a few hours later.
But I made the mistake of plopping down in the middle of the mall floor (I have that tendancy) and READING it.
D: I didn't have the heart to take it back

School was weird. Nothing special.
I hate clay, that's all I have to say about that.
Stupid clay. Nasty shit.
Uggh I can't wait until this week is over and I never have to work with that shit ever again.

Here have pictures because I'm done talking xD

hair before (ew tree moss)

me and megan before leaving my house on Sunday :D
yay vibrant hair XD!!

From left: Me, Megan, Callie.
You won't find a real eyebrow in that picture. Anywhere.
xDD bahahaha we suck rule.

now then.
I'm going to go clean
because alayna needs monies :D


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Thursday, March 1, 2007

kay so we came home at 12:30 today due to BAD storms and tornado watches
paranoid people freaked and cried
I was just like "'....wow you guys nothings happening, its just rain o_O"

oh well
we're not dead
school will still be there in the morning
no big deal.

in other news
i signed onto msn today
only to be BOMBARDED by yuki IMing me before bed
before I had even had my buddy list loaded yet
of course it was ENTIRELY in spanish, and he did it REALLY fast and i didnt have much time to read the spanish, interpret it in my head, and reply before he left
i would post the spanish THEN my translation but you guys wont care about the spanish so no point in that
basically he goes

yuki: Mezameeeeee
yuki: I'm going to bed soon
yuki: I just wanted to say
Yuki: thanks!!
yuki: for being a really great girl with me
yuki: I like you a lot!!
yuki: love youuuu
yuki: miss you!!!
me: okayyy xD;;;;

weird, ne?
im still like "wtf brought that on?!"
it was just RANDOM and o-o just before i signed on i was like "bah if yuki's online i wont Im him b/c i dont wanna bug him"
then THAT

momo i love you for the youtube videos, btw!!

now i must go
im talking to katie online :D
i miss her



ive decided "gothic" by d'espairs ray
is the ultimate sex song of the century
and it absolutely SCREAMS ''background music" >:D
TMI : i intend to lose my virginity to the bg sound of a D'espa album LMAO
In Vain
Marry of the Blood


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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


im a pessimistic bitch
I realize that.

my throat hurts
my head is heavy
I'm exhausted
still jealous and selfish as ever
and still going to school.



came home early
yay menstrual AGONY
yes you all get to know that
you're fault for reading ;P

I feel a lot better than I did this morning. I was very quiet and didn't talk to anyone until I came home, I was just feeling like shit since last night.
I'm really sorry you guys ;;;;
I'm watching Thirteen again
gah i just love this movie
how ironic i first saw it when I was 13
three years ago

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

post full of pessimism ohh joy i suck XD


I seriously
hate jealousy.

I hate
where I live.


I am so jealous. Of all my friends. Who get to live in California.
Not just because it's california, but because ALL my awesome friends live there (with the exception of a couple really good ones who live elsewhere, but it's few. momo is one.)
And Lauren and Haru and Kiku and Shou and everyone
are telling me great stories that they got to experience this weekend

things they got to experience that I literally dream of doing every single day
getting out of my house
hanging out with people I actually LIKE
just going out to a concert
being a goofball
flirting shamelessly (I do NOT do that here because all the guys are disgusting beyond reasoning)
guys flirting BACK
going backstage with my friends-with-connections
even just going to San Fransisco to fuck around in Japantown and the city

While I sat here
Folding Laundry
Being yelled at for not doing the laundry fast enough
and eating scraps out of the fridge.

Oh yes.
I'm a bubble of joy today.


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Sunday, February 25, 2007

very few things to post

happy late birthday shinya, i love you!

in other news

every time I look at this picture....I laugh so hard that I cry.

Paris Hilton is friends with Yoshiki.
Shocker, anyone?
who DOESNT know yoshiki?

bye now :D



They played Pink Killer last night!!!!!!


I was JUST discussing how much I'd LOVE to hear them play PINK KILLER with my friend melissa LAST NIGHT WHILE MY OTHER FRIENDS WERE AT THE CONCERT




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