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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I got a new moniter for my old computer.
But I'm beginning to remember why I hated it so much >:|
At least I got AIM and MSN back, though.
I was able to talk to Momo-chan again!!! I love youuuu Becky ^0^

Also, I dyed my hair purple...
photos are...being stupid....so I'll update my profile pic later I guess

I'm talking to my gorgeous Spanish friend yet again, he's so nice! His English is good but sometimes he skips words, it's so cute hahaha.
He always calls me "my love" and tells me I'm pretty, and well, when a beautiful guy tells you you're pretty, you'd be flattered too, right?! XD
He's such a cutie. I drew him too, I'll post that up later...

And I met a beautiful German boy over the weekend named Dustin.
He messaged me because he liked my purple hair, and Megan and I talked to him for nearly 4 hours (until 5 am!!). He is a sweetie and SO funny xD

Schedule for the week:
Wed: Braces
Thurs: Oral Surgery
Friday: Pain Meds & Rest
Weekend: HOMEWORK and a Motorcycle show in Nashville

this is the last day for not-metal teeth!

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