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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, January 21, 2007

current song :: Masturbates - MSI
I went to my friend Mitch's birthday party last night.
It was cool, he has a huge garage separate from his house and it was filled with fog and lights and whatnot lol.
Lots of people were there that I don't like, but I ignored the ones that didn't come near me, and the ones that did try talking to me got a cold shoulder or a simple "yeah".
What can I say, it's either that or I get really mean with them.

Paige squirted a LOT of silly string in my hair, and anyone who knows me knows that NO ONE touches my hair, I freak out. My hair is extremely high maintenance with all the dye and spray and other products I have to put into it, and most people know not to try to touch it.
So needless to say I got mad, but it was kind of funny and I don't have a completely dry sense of humor, so as soon as I ripped a big hunk of it off of my head, I threw it at her and ran to get a comb to get the rest of it out.
Paige thought I was really mad at her apparently, because she didn't talk to me the rest of the night.
But if she wants to go complaining to other people how sad she is about it or whatever, instead of coming directly to me to ask if I'm mad (which I wasn't. I was only mad about the silly string being IN my hair and being such a pain to get OUT of my hair, I wasn't mad at her for doing it), then it's her problem. I didn't acknowledge that I knew why she was pouting out back all the rest of the night, I just ignored it.

Mitch is a sweetie, I'm glad he invited me, though a lot of the night was awkward, I had fun. He's extremely friendly though (sometimes overwhelmingly so), and my friend Sarah so 'kindly' informed me that he doesn't own a pair of underwear...and he was wearing these tight leather pants o___O;;
So when he jokingly came up behind me and started grinding me I was like "OH MY GOD NO GNFKLGFDNGLFD" and did the little joking fake cry.
Yeah *cringe* I could have gone my whole life without knowing that. Thanks Sarah. Thanks.

Everyone has a crush on Mitch, except for like....me and Sarah. So we were amused while we watched all the girls there fawn over him and flirt with him. Haha he is such a he-whore.

My braces keep rubbing raw spots on my tongue and mouth, and the stupid wax they gave me to cover up any 'stabby' wire things doesn't like to stay ON the braces. Roar.
I should sue XDDD


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