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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, January 22, 2007

I talk to dolly again after like 4 months of inactivity because she just got her internet back today.
It seems Jen is a total backstabbing cuntfuck WHORE.

From what Dolly tells me, she's been talking about both her and Dolly's brother Bunra (who is dating Jen's sister Rachel, who is one of the sweetest girls ever) AND me behind our backs.
Jen was looking through some photos from Sugoicon, and her dad sees me and goes "god what a skank" and Jen said something along the lines of "Yeah, she's always dressing like a slut."
NOT TO MENTION she's been telling people secrets that she SHOULDN'T BE TELLING, and she's always been making me COMPLETELY stressed beyond reasoning about her stupidass childish feud with Hannah (thank god Hannah grew up and got over that).

AND THEN she texts me bragging about how she's going to Chicago to see the Dir en grey live on my birthday, knowing full well it would make me envious (haha little does she know I'm not that bummed about missing it). She tries to get me to make her a copy of my Duel Jewel tape from Acen03 that Shae so graciously shared with me, tries to get me to sell her my Duel Jewel shirt, and after she says all THAT bullshit about me.
See, that text stuff happened about a month ago, and I just found out about the backstabbing shit about an hour ago, so yeah I'm a bit PISSED the FUCK off.
I have never said an unkind word TO Jen.
Granted, I haven't considered her a friend since Sugoicon, but I never EVER said unkind words to her that would ever deserve that sort of thing.
Jen is making up absolute BULLSHIT to get her parents to think she's the perfect little angel and everyone else is a whorish bitch -- well NEWSFLASH, JEN--

You're an eighteen year old who dropped out of high school because they wouldn't let you keep your hair pink. Grow the fuck up

I swear, the next time I make a trip up to Kentucky I will TRACK HER ASS DOWN and bitch her out until her earsbleed.
I cannot even describe how utterly angry I am right now.


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