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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, January 29, 2007

current song: Brick - Ben Folds Five

It's been a while since my last post, but I suppose either you got sick of my constant ranting or just didn't see it anyway, lol.
No matter.
I'm still a little mad but...I've accepted the facts and that's all that matters.
That now I know Jen is a total lying bitch, and I won't be as naive as usual.
I still feel stupid for evcn ever falling for her bullshit.
But we're past it now, and though if I do ever manage to get back up to KY and see her, I probably will slap her across the face, I won't be as hurt as I was when I first found out about what she did to me.

In other news....
Friday night Megan and I got some Bacardi and downed most of it around 3 AM, we were up until about 5 talking to my gorgeous Japanese friend Natsuo xD
We were on the microphone on MSN and he has this REALLY thick accent but it's adorable and it's not too difficult for me to understand what he's trying to say because I understand what sounds he's replacing with Japanese sounds and whatever...poor Megan, though, she felt so bad because she dodn't have a clue what he was saying XD;; She just went along with it hahaha.
he thought we were funny. I wasn't hammered or anything, but I was way past tipsy. I was just plain old drunk o__o;
He was like "How much did you drink?"
Me: "XDDDD too much"
Him: "oohh hahaha too much?"

*insert heavy japanese accent*
hehe what a cutie pie :]

my birthday is in a couple of weeks!!! I almost forgot about it, hahaha. It wasjust the other day I was like "whoaaa my birthday is coming up :O"
So much has been going on lately it just kept my mind off of it I guess.
I dunno....
Big 16.
Mmmmm....fun stuff, I guess.
*rolls eyes*
I'm just gonna get my ears pierced again and then get my nails done by this HOT Viet. guy(considering my mom's being stupid and refuses to let me get my bridge done =3= ....*sighs* I'll just do it when I'm 18 and can sign for myself xD)

Aahh well Megan and I went to the mall both Saturday and Sunday, we were going to go to a rave Saturday night buy my dad made this stupid new curfew without telling me.
Apparently I'm not allowed out past 10:00 without an adult anymore.
What the fuck I've never done anything bad that they've found out about.
And to be honest the worst thing I ever have done was the one time when Megan andI were spending the night at her house and we snuck out to her friends house at 3 am. Granted, we got drunk as fuck, but it was ONE time and they never even found out about it.
*sigh* Well, I mean I can understand why they'd want to keep me safe. I drive around with teenagers and 20-something year olds all the time and even if they aren't suspicious of my drinking habits they certainly would have a right to be considering they are real.

ohhh when we went on Sunday we went to Victoria's Secret and I tried on this CUTE shirt :D
(oh song changed 8DD. MSI - Bring the Pain. wheeee *sings to it*)

argh i look fat in the picture but ehhh oh well.
I wanna sew one only with sleeves <3

OH and also I found the hair color I want permanently. I love changing my hair color every week (this week I added more blue to the underlayers and redyed the purple on my right side).
I found this band the other day, and while browsing their site I came across this picture of one of the members named Ayame.
I fell in absolute love with his hair color, and I'm going to go take it to my stylist to ask how much it'll be :]
It's basically white with a lavender-esque toner to it. Gorgeous.
I have a picture...but I'm feeling lazy...and my computer is scaring me so I don't want to open too many windows and have it freeze so that I lose this whole entry @____@;;

Wellllly well...
Nothing much more to discuss...
well more stuff happened I guess, but...I don't wanna report on it so haha

take care i guess?


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