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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, February 1, 2007

february is for the cool people, yo

the most important ones first XDD:
-(February 3rd)
-(February 4th)

Gaahh I wanna go send Shun a happy birthday thing on the BBS :)
I don't think they read it much anymore with how busy they are...but still, I want to.

now then on with the other great birthdays:
Kamimura Ukyou was born today those many many years ago heee. His soul should be resting well, knowing how many people will remember him.

Ruki's birthday today too!! I should go say congrats to Sato for his mantoy turning a year older...hahaa...

Kyo and shinya have birthdays this month, too! Isn't there another member with a birthday today? Hmmmm *ponders* You must forgive me for not remembering. Though I do love Dir en grey's music (well...most of it e_e), I was never big enough into them to look up their bios and study their every move XD;

hmmm did I miss any? Probably xD;

oh yeah!!
and my birthday is in 13 days :)


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