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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, February 2, 2007

So we had no school yesterday due to alleged "snow", but it never DID snow.
Then we had today off due to a rampant spread of the flu, and ironcally it snowed last night anyways.
It's only a couple of inches, granted, but it's a free day nontheless.

Megan spent the night.
She's in the shower right now...

yesterday we talked to Yuki (spanish friend) again!!! It was so cute, he's 20, I found out XD;
I've never spoken so much spanish at one time in my LIFE, but it was fun I learned a lot of new words and stuff. And I felt kind of important because i had to translate what he was saying for Megan and my friend Hara >:B
We got on his webcam FINALLY and we got on ours and he told us we were beautiful (he does that to everyone though XD; he's a cutiepiee).
He's gorgeous, and he always makes faces at the camera and blows kisses and stuff xD

Yeah. We're dealing with a ped HAHAHA but he's sexy so it's okay?? oO;;
And he has a girlfriend anyway (we think, he still does, if they broke up I never found out about it) so we have nothing to worry about x]~

Well I guess I'll go now...nothign really big to report except
I'm not allowed to give out his age :x
but let's just say he's a lot older than me XD;;;
I feel like jailbait T0T



Alayna wants a breast reduction.
*angry face*

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