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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, February 23, 2007

So after a trip to the doctor yesterday, I've learned I have a viral case of laryngitis -_-
hence -- I'm extremely contagious. And my mom is losing her voice now too....oops ¹¾¡¦;


Nothing really...else to report..I guess ._.

New layout, nothing special but I was feeling bored with pink xD
And new song, one of my favorites from the new Dir album.
I wanted to put 'namamekashiki ansoku, tamerai no hohoemi', the scoustic version, but fileden wasn't accepting it so i used "The Pledge" I think I used the acoustic version, I don't remember. I'll have to listen again.

so...it's found right underneath that picture of me (ew), just hit play

thats it...

take care


I'm convinced my scale HATES me.
I'm officially on a diet.

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