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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, March 1, 2007

kay so we came home at 12:30 today due to BAD storms and tornado watches
paranoid people freaked and cried
I was just like "'....wow you guys nothings happening, its just rain o_O"

oh well
we're not dead
school will still be there in the morning
no big deal.

in other news
i signed onto msn today
only to be BOMBARDED by yuki IMing me before bed
before I had even had my buddy list loaded yet
of course it was ENTIRELY in spanish, and he did it REALLY fast and i didnt have much time to read the spanish, interpret it in my head, and reply before he left
i would post the spanish THEN my translation but you guys wont care about the spanish so no point in that
basically he goes

yuki: Mezameeeeee
yuki: I'm going to bed soon
yuki: I just wanted to say
Yuki: thanks!!
yuki: for being a really great girl with me
yuki: I like you a lot!!
yuki: love youuuu
yuki: miss you!!!
me: okayyy xD;;;;

weird, ne?
im still like "wtf brought that on?!"
it was just RANDOM and o-o just before i signed on i was like "bah if yuki's online i wont Im him b/c i dont wanna bug him"
then THAT

momo i love you for the youtube videos, btw!!

now i must go
im talking to katie online :D
i miss her



ive decided "gothic" by d'espairs ray
is the ultimate sex song of the century
and it absolutely SCREAMS ''background music" >:D
TMI : i intend to lose my virginity to the bg sound of a D'espa album LMAO
In Vain
Marry of the Blood


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