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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

pictures :D
Wow it's been a while since I updated.
This won't be very long, though, reguardless ;;;;;;; ahaha.

This weekend I went to the mall both Saturday and Sunday, Saturday I went with Megan's friend Callie (it was kind of awkward because I don't know her really and I kind of thought she hated me for a LONG time but it turns out she didn't).
Sunday- Megan, Callie, and I all went to the bigger mall downtown for a while.
I dyed my hair Sunday morning (it's this magenta-red on the side again). I put in 3 shades of red, bottom layer darkest, top layer lightest.
It all blended a little bit to this deep blood-red O_O;; in lack of a better comparison.
So I'm like "uhhhh".

At the big mall (Opry Mills) we went to this store called Earthbound, which is a big store that sells cultural things and inscense and things like that. I saw a small group of Asian guys checking out at the counter but I didn't really think much of it (I'm not a Japanophile, I don't jump at every chance to see an Asian person @___@;;; those kind of people freak me out).
But as they left they had to pass me and Callie and Megan, and one of them smiled, looked me up and down, and said SOMETHING but I didn't hear what. It may have just been "hey"
I was like O_o "uhhmm?"
He was probably thinking "What the hell is wrong with white people these days"
XD kidding, kidding.
I bought Cure. I don't generally buy this magazine unless one of my FAVORITE bands is in it.
Bands like UnsraW and ScRew and stuff, bands that I LOVE, are almost ALWAYS in it.
But I mean favorite as in Duel Jewel, D'espairs Ray, or Sadie. D'espa isn't in it much anymore, though.
Anyway (god I ramble a lot) Sadie was on this one, and it's the February issue so I had to snag it before it was taken off the shelves.
I hate Hot Topic, normally D:, but I had to buy it. Had to.
I got a free Sadie poster. XDDD
See, I was going to just buy the magazine, take out the poster, then return the magazine a few hours later.
But I made the mistake of plopping down in the middle of the mall floor (I have that tendancy) and READING it.
D: I didn't have the heart to take it back

School was weird. Nothing special.
I hate clay, that's all I have to say about that.
Stupid clay. Nasty shit.
Uggh I can't wait until this week is over and I never have to work with that shit ever again.

Here have pictures because I'm done talking xD

hair before (ew tree moss)

me and megan before leaving my house on Sunday :D
yay vibrant hair XD!!

From left: Me, Megan, Callie.
You won't find a real eyebrow in that picture. Anywhere.
xDD bahahaha we suck rule.

now then.
I'm going to go clean
because alayna needs monies :D


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