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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

xDDD thanks for the compliments on my hairrrr -blushes-
I'm dieting.

I was limiting my calorie intake to 500 (which is more than what I used to have as a limit before I got all FAT), but that's a bit too dramatic of a change, so I'm just eating light, no more than 1500 a day.
I'm eating wheat thins x3
When I'm back up to speed with that then I'll gradually work my way to 500.
I know it's not TOTALLY healthy, but that's how I best lose weight, and it's more familiar to me.
I used to cut it to 250/300 back in freshman year and the summer before.
So I think this isn't that bad :B
in comparison.

I NEED to practice my japanese, holy SHIT.
I'm so behind, I mean I know enough to read some of CURE but that's like IT.
I don't know where to begin learning kanji again. I know hiragana and katakana, but blah i only know about 20ish kanji.

Well I did end up going with Megan and Scott to Kabutos (Japanese hibachi grill)
the food wasn't so good, it was cooked in this really REALLY disgustingly sweet sauce
so sweet I almost wanted to vomit just smelling it
D: I feel bad.

and my stomach hurts, ugh.
I ate crackers and yogurt when I got home to ease my stomach, even though I hardly ate anything at the restaurant because of that sweet stuff (stuck partially to my diet of sorts, then)

I can't wait until the weekend.
i just want to laze around

my dad got a new job!!!
He's working for Dish Satellite now, he just has to take a drug test (which he'll pass XD) and then he starts :)
I'm glad, I was worried he may not find a job before his current one runs out!!
It pays better AND he doesn't have to work nearly as often.
His boss is cool too and also rides a harley, AND used to live in our EXACT same apartment building. Not just the complex but the BUILDING.
freaky ne?

Yeah I'm tired so I'll stop rambling and sleep now.



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