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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


a few things, this may be brief.
biology class = hell on earth.
I finally just raised my hand while we were discussing WHY our class has more Fs than both his other classes put together
and I said
"I don't care who I offend or who gets mad at me ffor saying this, but I'd bet anything it's because 90% of this class is obnoxious and stupid."
Some kid goes "you're obnoxious and stupid! You're the only one in here with colored hair!"
Me and a bunch of friends in there were like o__O
"yeah. that was relevant"

Dad picked me up from school today, totally unannounced.
He had the motorcycle XDDDD
it was so funny. he doesn't have baffles on it, its completely straight pipe. So when he starts it up it is freakishly loud, and he made a bunch of kids jump that were standing outside. I laughed.
And he said he almost ran over the marching band LMAO
those poor poor band kids xD;;;;
My friend from biology (Logan) comes up and goes "is that your dad?"
me: "no, it's a stranger. I take a ride from anyone on a motorcycle."
XD god!! loser! I should smack him tomorrow.
My dad laughed at him all day. I just said "aahh that kid does a lot of drugs, don't blame him xD"
he really does, so whatever, I'm not lying XD;;;
my parents dont care as long as i dont do them :DD yayyy

I suck.
I swore I wouldn't IM yuky for a while b/c I think im bugging him (I'm super paranoid).
But I just did.
all i said was "aren't you tired??"
b/c its like LATE in barcelona right now.
damn it.
I'll bet he hates me
nooooooooo. I suck. i suck. omg I suck.
I suuuuck super bad
-dies more-

yeah I'm better.

i want yogurt.
so....BAII 8D


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