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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, March 19, 2007

My school must want me dead.
Or my mother.
Considering she is the one who got me signed up for all of my junior classes.

They aren't all confirmed or put in any order yet, but so far the list consists of:

-English 2 honors/AP
-US history AP
-Algebra 2 (I failed Al. 1 in freshman year XD;;)
-AP College Psychology (....greeeeaaat)
-Spanish 3 Honors (or French. but I'll probably continue Spanish.)
-Visual Communications (it's like computer art design/etc.)

-dies on the floor-
Junior year is going to be hard as fuck.

I have to keep this short too, dad needs the computer soon.
I'm super tired.
I can't wait til Spring Break, it starts next Friday.
-bows to the calendar-

My dad is watching The Day After Tomorrow. This movie depresses me, extremely. It scares me a little, too, just because it could happen.
Not that next week the earth is going to turn to a ball of ice or anything, but that we're such a dumb animal species that we just keep killing everything we touch.
It's terrifying.

Call me a tree-hugger if you will, I could care less.
): I wish more people would recycle, I do whenever I get the chance (despite my constant bitching, my parents don't seem to find keeping a recycling bin that important -_-)

I need to go study Spanish (test tomorrow, eek!)

hasta mañana~


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