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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, March 24, 2007

friends are supposed to be people you feel you can count on no matter what
people who are thoughtful and want to make you happy
I try to be the best friend I can, I think of things I know my friends would love to see and do, and I try to show up when they need me to, even when they pretend they don't want me to be there.
I would plan a surprise for them, I would buy gifts for them without an occasion, I would take them out to eat and talk for a few hours.
I just don't understand why I can never seem to meet people who have the same courtesy...
I don't care about gifts and taking me out places, that's for boyfriends (haha kidding, kidding, of course).
I just want to know that if they could do all those things they would. That they wouldn't blow me off just because they didn't feel like making me happy.
I want them to feel like making me happy.
I certainly love to make them happy, in any way I possibley can...
I wonder if that's selfish of me.

Anyway, I loved talking to you, Momo-chan!
It was so refreshing.
I hope you can get online again soon.

I guess I'm just not going out today.
My parents have to stay home because my mom's check didn't go through today so they can't go to the harley drag racing show they were planning on going to...
I wanted to just go to the mall and try on some poofy dresses, just for the hell of it (because I never wear stuff like that).
But like I said...I seem to make friends with some flaky people these days.

keep happy~


I did, however, get a message from Yuky, yesterday. It made me happy to know I wasn't bothering him.
It was rather out of nowhere, he messaged me on myspace and said "I love mezammeee!! I miss you cutegirl!!!!"
haha his english = so much love
xD cutie pie.
I replied back (in spanish though, I don't like him having to translate all my english ^^;) that I was scared I was being annoying to him, and I knew how often he was busy. And that he could IM me on MSN anytime he wanted to.
hopefully he'll take me up on the offer :) He's so nice to talk to.

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