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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


okay I know I'm a total bitch when I look back at people's myspace profiles just to laugh at how dumb they are
People that I know. And hate.
Ahhh yes, just proves I have no life to speak of.
But it's cool. It keeps me amused for a short while.

Yesterday was spent at the mall with Megan.
I'll leave out a lot of the details but the main point is basically:
Megan = size 2 and a Bcup
Me = size 9-10 and a D-DDcup

My waist and hips fits fine into a regular Medium. I'm fine with that.
But uh...the upper half refuses to fit into an XL.

wtf I need breast reduction. I loathe these things -_-;

I was having hardcore allergy problems last night, so I took a benadryl around 10:30 pm (dumb idea) and then 2 of these other allergy pills for my sinus headache.
Needless to say, I was not awake half the morning. I don't even remember the walk from my house to the bus, I was dazed so badly. It's a wonder I didn't fall down the 20 stairs from my apartment to the ground. Not that I'd remember thanks to my fatigue.

And then I get there -- and Megan is absent. Again. I was so angry, she's absent WAY too much and she's just being irresponsible and lazy.
She isn't sick 75% of the time she stays home.
She blames it on her Depression (as in if she gets in a fight with her mom before school, she'll say she had a breakdown and then stay home. When I ask if she's on her meds to HELP with her depression, she says "I forgot". -_-) and being tired.
Okay I realize Depression is an actual illness, my mother has it.
I'm not totally ignorant on the subject, let's put it that way.
But my mom gets up and goes to fucking work, deals with the goddamned symptoms of her depression and takes her pills.

I love Megan to death, but she needs to grow up.

You can't just stay home because you're tired.
I'm willing to bet she wasn't near as tired as I was this morning.
I passed out against a wall -- while I was walking. I was seeing double up until about 2nd period, and none of my classes have free time enough for my to take a catnap. So what do I do? I fucking deal with it. I don't act like a baby and whine about it, I rub my eyes, slap myself awake, and do what I'm supposed to.

So if I can get my fatass up out of bed at 5:50 am to catch a bus at 6:45 am, she can wake up at 7:30 am to get a ride from her fucking mother, who shouldn't be letting her daughter stay home in the FIRST PLACE for something so ridiculous!!
My parents would never let me stay home unless I was running a fever or in physical agony beyond the help of any medicine in our cabinet.
I don't care if this means I'm nosy, I don't take immaturity lightly.
It makes me downright enraged.

So I'm going to call her later and tell her she better either have been hacking her lungs up or someone should have died, because I'm sick of her being absent every other day of school just because she doesn't feel like coming.
If she has to graduate the same year as me (she's supposed to be a senior next year) just because she doesn't get credits for being TRUANT on a constant basis, I'm going to be pissed.

Enough of that rant.
Spring break starts Friday.
I have to paint in Art II. I despise paint. But I'll deal until it's over.

Also, I bought 2 new pairs of stockings (black/white checkers and purple/white checkers) and a pair of earrings.
I was going to buy an older issue of CURE because Duel Jewel was in it...but it's back from before Aishuu came out, I think.
And I'm a loser for wanting to buy it just for 2 pages XDDD Besides the pictures in it happen to be on the poster I got when I pre-ordered Aishuu, anyway :)

okay well I'm done, I need to go take a shower and lay down, I'm exhausted.


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