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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, March 30, 2007

I love Squall. The album is so entirely different from the rest of Déspairs Ray's albums.
They're my favorite band just underneath Duel Jewel :)
and their versatility is one of the reasons that's true.
Screen is so beautiful, I know when I see it live I'm going to cry. I just hope they come back sometime next year (not this year b/c I'm still applying for jobs!! XD).
I miss them, as cheesey as that sounds. The energy of being able to meet them was so overwhelming, whenever someone asks me to tell them about that day I get the most vivid flashbacks that I could tell them which direction Zero's eyebrow twitched when I said "fuck" in front of him

So yeah I'm applying for...wait for it...I'm ashamed...
;__; I hate fast food, I don't want to work in a filthy place like that.
But since Megan got the job at Krogers, and my friend that works there isn't leaving for a month or two, I need something to hold me up in the meantime.
Ugggh -_- stupid McDonalds.
at least I'll get so sick of the idea of fast food if I get hired that I won't ever want to eat fries again :D;;;

-applies glumly-

Duel Jewel, you better fucking love my pathetic white ass for torturing myself to save for your concerts
XDDD I swear.

Megan is over, she spent the night last night.
She may have to work today, it would be her first day.
And then tonight we're going to get Rachel and go to Megan's house and sleep there (maybe get some vodka, sshh ;O)
And I dunno, Spring Break has just started!! What else is there to doooo?


And I need cash for fabric and clothes!!! I can't fit into my favorite brand names. Not even just because I'm fat xD.
Even if I starved myself for ages I'd never be thin enough to fit into them, my bone structure is BEASTWOMANLY. And my chest is wayyyyy too big compared to little Japanese girls'
So I need to make my own. Which is okay, then I can have one-of-a-kind clothes :DDD

OHHH While I fell asleep on the couch last night Megan was on my computer and started talking to my frien Natsuo.
He's the one with the REALLY thick Japanese accent xDD He's like 26 but he spends hours talking to Us. two 16-year olds. What the hell, you ped xDDDD

Anyway she ended up letting him watch me sleep thruogh the webcam -_-
Luckily he only saw my back huddled up in a blanket on the couch bahaha
and she woke me up by jumping on me and I fell off the couch and crawled over to the camera and said hi, sleepily.
he laughed and said I looked tired xD then proceeded to tease me because I was trying to make myself look somewhat presentable by fixing my eyebrows (oh the horror of drawn on hair XDD).
He's so funny. OH MY GOD and he may come to that shitty little anime convention that takes place here every year!! He is a musician so he travels to cons to perform, and he may come to MTAC in 2008
-dances- I HATE anime cons without concerts, and he's a good friend so I could go see him and protect him from creepy anime otaku (no offense, anyone XD;;;)

now I'm gonna go because Megan will be out of the shower soon~


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