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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, April 2, 2007

maybe this will teach people something.

I had no idea this could be done on photoshop. The most photo editing I do is up the contrast and sharpening. Sometimes I'll put in a little glow effect but you can tell when I do that, so it's not like you go "OH WOW THAT THERE IS NATURAL BEAUTY". It's a photo effect for professional editing.
I had no idea you could thin down your face and change your skin tone and remove shadows with photoshop. That's crazy.
Why would you do that? It's like stealing other people's photos.
People aren't praising your looks, they're praising someone else entirely.

It's insane how far people will go

I need to start packing for Florida.
Racheal said we're going to an amusement park and the beach and everything :D
I'm gonna need to stock up on my 50 spf
I'm pale as a ghost and I plan to keep it that way, kthx.

Wish me luck in my bikini of doom
As long as my boobs are farther than my abs -- it's all good.
And they're about 5 inches from them. so I guess I'm okay

I hope everyone is having a good spring!


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