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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I had the scariest nightmare last night
I kept waking up over the course of the night, but the nightmare didn't start until about 8:30 when I woke up again and fell back asleep.
I've had it before.
It's really difficult to explain why it was so terrifying, but I had to die several times in it and near the end the world was supposed to end and no one seemed to care about it, and I was the only person freaking out and everyone else seemed to be in denial.
And at the very end, my cat jumped off of our balcony into the blackness (the world was already starting to die) and I was about to jump off after him when I woke up really abruptly.

I've had the dream before, and it's like i KNEW that in the dream, so when I woke up in the dream, I thought I was really awake. And everything seemed so real.

So this morning I woke up and took my dog outside and I just wanted to fall to my knees and touch the grass. I loved the sunlight more. I loved the smell of the trees more.
I had to "lose it" to realize how much the world does mean to me.
It was so absolutely petrifying. I'm still shaking.
It's amazing what impact dreams can have on you.

beyond that...I'm going to get new pants and skirts for Florida today after my dad gets home.
Then get bleach for my hair.

If I don't get to say goodbye tomorrow then --
bye everyone I'll see you Monday night!!


I'm so impatient XDD
rather than wait for Megan to get off work and help me, I'm cutting my hair myself :3
I'm almost done, just fixing the minor little chunks that look uneven xDDD

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