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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, April 7, 2007

So I'm on vacation with Rachael right now and her family.
Her aunt brought along her laptop, so while they're out at the hot tub I stayed behind. I would have gone but I'm dressed already and in about 4 layers of clothing. Plus I just ate and I do not feel like wearing a bikini top with my stomach full of food.

Anywayyy I redid my hair, but can't get pictures up until I get back home, so sorry guys you'll have to wait.

And we're going out today to shop and Rachael, her two girl cousins and I are all getting henna tattoos.

This keyboard is so difficult to type on, I'm serious, I am having so many type-os --especially with the space bar.

My camera fell into the ocean and has been fucked up ever since. I hope I don't have to buy a new one, it was a $250 camera I got for Christmas last year ):
Pray for my camera, everyone!!! lol

anyway I have to go, vacatin means no computer lazing!!!

love from me~

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