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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bedtime in a few minutes, I have to wake up super early.

Good news:
My mom said I can go to LA for Jrock Revolution.
On two conditions.
1) I have to pay for everything. Which I'll bet I can do. I have $135 I can use for the ticket and plenty of friends to room with in LA. And lots of my friends have offered to help me pay for my plane ticket, they know how much I want to go. Despite my deepset hatred for taking charity money, I'll probably do it this time.

2)My 25 year old brother needs to be with me at all times
...that means the concert as well. Ugh. I hope he'll say no to the concert, I know he won't enjoy it. He's not a mosh pit hard rock kind of person, and he'll have water spit on him by scantily clad Japanese men.
And if he sees me crying over Zero and Shun in the same place at the same time, I'll never live it down.

If he says no to taking me....
all this is fucked.
PLEASE take me.
If he doesn't....he's my last hope.

I still can't eat much, I'm so upset.
I've had a tiny bit of spaghetti (dad made me), a bit of a smoothie, and a nutrigrain bar.
All day.
Yesterday I ate about 3 nutrigrain bars and some grapes.
I'm only eating so I don't get sick from malnutrition again. I'm not hungry, I feel nauseous all the time since yesterday afternoon.

God I hope this works out...

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