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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, April 16, 2007

current song :: If I was Your Vampire - Marilyn Manson
Brother hasn't emailed me back yet, but I know he read it b/c Myspace tells you when people read what you send them.
I'm so worried...
I'm not as upset as I was on Friday...I actually decided to put on makeup today.
But I'm still quite upset at the thought of not going. Maybe I'm spoiled, who knows...
I just really can't imagine missing my two idols in the same room.
performing within hours of eachother.
It's like heaven.

Aww sad day, Bou is leaving Ancafe ):
The whole band is pretty vexed about this, it's really sad.
I like Ancafe. Not one of my favorites but they're okay.
My friend Haru is heartbroken, they're her favorite band, so I feel sad mostly for her D:
and my other hardcore Ancafe-fan friends.
It would be like Yuya leaving Duel Jewel or something, gods above know I would be an absolute wreck. I'd be so upset.

We're going out to eat later at my favorite restaurant :D Yay
I'm on a diet still, I've been doing okay. Haven't slipped too badly except I'm not supposed to have a lot of bread, and I had a sandwich today (as well as saltines at lunch).

My allergies are HORRID today, I haven't been able to stop sneezing, my nose won't stop running but my sinuses also won't clear up.
I can't breathe through my nose D:
Hopefully it clears up...I've taken TWO 24-hour pills, one I had to dry-swallow at school but it didnt work at all. I took a sinus headache pill when I got home around 5 b/c it said it cleared up nasal congestion. But it hasn't helped either and it's 7:00.
So my mom is buying me more at the store right now ):

this song is nice, I like Manson :]
it's his new single.
Pretty good drums, I like it a lot.

I'd better be leaving soon.
Parents will be home and I have to be OFF the computer because they don't know I've had their password to get onto it for the past 4 months ;D
I'm such a sneak, puahahaha.



Did you all see my new picture up in the profile?
That's my new hair. I have bangs now.
and I didn't need to pay my REALLYEXPENSIVEWOMG hair dresser to do it for me. Cut it mahself bitches xD

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