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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, April 21, 2007

3 more hours until I buy my ticket!!!
I'm so excited.

My brother is hilarious, the other day i was on the phone with him trying to plan this out
and i was like "um...I don't know if you want to go to the actual concert with me...it's going to be 48 hours of skantily clad japanese men spitting water and blood on people, I don't know how much you'd enjoy that"
XDD so last night while my parents, my grandparents, and I are driving home from memphis, I call him to make sure plans are still on so i can buy my ticket today, and he goes "uh yeah let me talk to mom"
and after she hangs up she LAUGHS her ass off
and said that he was like "MAWWWMMM DO I HAVE TO GO TO THE CONCERT DDDx??"
keep in mind, my brother is 25 years old
so he's not going to attend the actual live with me (THANK GOD).
he's just gonna meet my friends and make sure they're okay (which they are, he'll like kiku for sure :3) and then let me in by myself 8D -wiggles-

i need ideas people!!

I need to pay for my own plane ticket, and i need to buy it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
I don't start my job until summer, and I don't know how else to get cash!
I'm not good at this sort of thing!!


with my luck ill buy the ticket and everything
then not be able to make the plane ticket fare
so PLEASE anything you can think of I'll greatly appreciate

I just had a really bad panic attack thanks to ticketmaster
I was online EXACTLY AT NOON MY TIME (which is when the tickets go on sale), in fact i was on FIVE HOURS PRIOR just to make sure id get tickets
i get on and hit "buy" on ticketmaster RIGHT AT 12:01
they're sold out by 12:03.
NO lie.
I almost immediately started hyperventilating and my face is still like 483094832 degrees and bright red from lack of air.
So I got on MSN super quick and asked shou what day Duel Jewel was playing
she said the 25th. So that's what i bought.
A $35 ticket cost me $52 because ticketmaster was being a cunt.

But my dad is paying for it for me.
And I get to keep my money.
I am almost half way to a plane ticket.

I will probably miss Déspairs Ray, b/c they perform the 2nd day (on the 26th), and I'm really sad about it.
But I've seen them live already, and I want to see Duel Jewel the most, and I get to see Miyavi anyway.
So I'm grateful.

oh my god my lungs are still hardly working

line up for the 25th:
alice nine., Kagrra, Miyavi, DuelJewel, Vidoll


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