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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm just going to get trashed on the 25th, I've decided.
Bacardi and Smirnoff makes for a very happy and forgetting-about-JRR alayna.

On the bright side:
I've found that I'm an extremely vivacious flirter.
I just got some guy's number.
some really REALLY attractive almost Shun-clone guy's number.

.....*maniacal laugh*
This pleases me.
Of course I'll probably never call him because I'm too shy, but he has my new cell number and I've given him blatant permission to hit me up whenever he feels the need to *bats eyelashes innocently*.

Yuky's so sweeeeeet too, gah!
he's been online more often lately and I've had so many Spanish conversations in the past 4 days XD
Which was good, because I've also had 2 Spanish tests in the past week. And I aced them both ;D
He's a flattering little wanker kehehe. Always makes me laugh.

Only 2 more days of school and I'm so out of there.
And then I get to be a Junior, take way too many AP and Honors classes, and fill out college and scholarship applications.
How joyous.


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