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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, May 26, 2007

I just got home from Scott's

last night was fabulous.
I called that guy who gave me his number while I was on my way to Scott's house, and I talked to him for about two hours until my cell phone died.
He told me that I was a flirty drunk (he'd talked to me when drunk last week) and I didn't believe him until I asked Megan and she agreed with him xD
We flirted a lot and he was really sweet.
I called Kiku and Lauren, and I remember they were laughing because I couldn't form my sentences correctly. Kiku told me about the concert, and told me the set list. And surprisingly, I wasn't sad at all...it could have been that I had 4 Bacardis swimming in my system, but even right now, when I'm sober, I'm not really that upset anymore. They both bought me a photo set, I'm happy for that at least...


My Zoloft is making my stomach bleed.
I haven't had a period in 2 or 3 months.
And I've lost at least 6 pounds in the past 2 weeks.

...this can't be good.

No one knows about my stomach bleeding, I'm going to go to the doctor soon, though.
I can't tell my parents right now because I'm scared that if I go to the doctor they'll find out I drank last night or that I just had a cigarette or something...and I'm paranoid.
So I'll tell them later tonight or something.

Hope I don't die.

Summer Vacation better be a good one...I have no plans thus far. I still find myself forgetting I don't have to go back to school for 3 months...
and that I'll be a Junior.
It's exciting but..at the same time it's sad.
My best friends at school are going to be graduating...D: And I'll be a senior alone...sort of.
I have friends in my grade, yeah, but I'm going to miss Rachael and Megan when I'm a senior...
Eehhh D:

I found this stuff I wrote last week
I haven't written anything in at least a year, I just lost any will to do it anymore.
I wish I could find my old stuff. Some of it actually wasn't that bad...

I was about to paste some of it in here.
But now I'm just mad again.

I was just informed that Gackt, Miyavi, Yoshiki, and Sugizo will be performing at Anime Expo.

someone please shoot me in the face.
Right now.
Come to Tennessee and put a bullet in my forehead.
I won't mind.



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