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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, June 3, 2007

I can't go into detail because Rachael is here right now and I don't want to be rude by being on the computer all night....

last night started horrible, got really fun, then ended more horrible than when it started.

Rachael's mom went psycho on us and wouldn't let her spend the night anymore, Megan had too much to drink and I almost killed her ass.
It was so full of drama...
I don't even know.

I didn't drink anything, and I don't intend to for another few weeks at the very least...not since my little visit to the hospital.
Mitch and Rachael and Scott all know I'm not supposed to drink, and I never drink without one of them there anyway. So they'll keep me in check if I try to, but I really don't think I will.
Not after last night...

Megan went crazy on me after everyone else left and just....the alcohol made her insane.
She scared me. She honestly scared the hell out of me.
I thought if I left her alone for 3 seconds she'd kill herself or run off drunk into the highway or something. I couldn't sleep.
I didn't get to sleep until 6 am and I only slept because Scott (her boyfriend) came over to help me calm her down. He told me he'd get her back in the house before he left and that I should go to bed.

It was awful.

I have a headache and I'm so tired...
As soon as Rachael goes home I'm going to call Timmy (my chinese friend that i said was a shun look-alike...he's so sweet and flirty, he makes me feel better.) and then go to sleep.
Then if I wake up in time I'm gonna call Hannah...

I haven't been that scared in a long time.
I honestly thought I was going to lose Megan somehow...
We're not letting her drink. Anymore.
Not for a long time. She has no self control...


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