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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


So....basically I've realized.
If I lived in California --

I would have had at least 2 really hot boyfriends by now.
Because...this kid I've known for a couple years lives in CA.
I've mentioned him before, Momo should know who I'm talking about but maybe not....
Anyway...he had a crush on me. I had a crush on him. He was hot, too, might I add.
But since he lived so far away from me, we didn't make it into anything serious. Or really anything at all. We just flirted insanely.
I talked to him today for the first time in a long while. He go on microphone with me, and it turns out he's a lot less stupid when he's actually speaking. (He types like a retard =o=)
And he sent me a picture.

That boy.
Got so freakishly hot over the past few months.
I about had an orgasm on the spot.
Good. Holy. Hell.
Of course, he's taken now. Just my luck, right?
hahaha e____e

THEN of course....there's my new little...interest....Timmy.
He lives in CA now, of course.
Because everyone is moving to Cali. Lucky bastards.
He keeps hinting at wanting to date me.
If we lived close, in fact, we probably would be dating.
But no. Of course not.
Anytime I'm interested in someone, and they're interested back -- they live an extreme distance away.
And long distance relationships are not something I want to deal with...besides they're pretty looked down upon by my parents and friends.

I'll see Timmy next April, he's coming back to Nashville for that convention again.
I don't know if it's to see me or if I'm just being vain and he only wants to go to the con.
Lol. Oh well....

I like flirting over the phone anyway.
I'd prefer to do it in person, but...like I said.
My luck is pretty nonexistant lately

It's 3:00 am, I should go to bed now....
but I'm not tired.


Good Lord.
Koda Kumi is fucking HOT.

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