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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Current Song :: Love Song -- Luna Sea (my profile song)
So it's 1:30 am and I haven't been to sleep yet, I'm not tired in the least.
I'm watching Degrassi and looking up lyric translations.

I've come to realize something today....
No matter now many bands I enjoy listening to, only a select few really stand out to me. Really touch me and make my soul feel tugged on.

Duel Jewel has always been there to do that for me, since nearly 4 years ago they've had a firm grip on my heart.
Hayato's voice could melt steel, Shun's lyrics and guitar solos make my chest clench....Natsuki, Yuya, Val....all of them just light up a good portion of my life. And I'm eternally grateful for what they've done, though I know that it's just their career and what they love doing.

But since then, D'espairs Ray has been able to achieve almost as firm of a grasp.
That was especially strengthened when I saw them live. When I was able to cry while actually holding Zero in my arms, smelling his cologne and sweat on my clothing while he hugged me. While I teared up uncontrollabley, a silent sort of thanks to him. When I was able to hear Hizumi's accapella, see the tendons in his neck glisten while he threw back his head to wail out some of the most pained and beautiful notes I've ever heard. When I was able to see Zero's face while he played, to see his eyes close and a tranquil little smile cross his face despite the pounding rock music that hardly anyone would label as "serene"...yet that's the only adjective I could think of to describe the look on his face. I felt so overwhelmed that I could only lay my head down on the stage, close my eyes, and let the pounding of the music reverberate right into my body. It was so mesmerizing, I can still feel it just remembering...and it makes me want to cry. The happiest moments of my life were spent with my hair dye and makeup running in sweaty, tear-stained streaks down my face, leaning against a pounding speaker while being rammed into by screaming girls just wishing they were standing where I was.

And I've noticed...despite the fact that I'm not quite as vivacious or dedicated of a fan to the other artists I'm about to list off....there is still something about them that stops the blood in my veins and keeps me from turning away.

okay, here's an overkill--
I've never considered myself a very big fan of his, but I do admit that he is an extraordinarily talented man. His voice is magnificent, and I've never thought otherwise. In fact I've never quite understood how anyone can say he is "talentless".
I mean....granted, there are artists I don't like much either, even some that make me cringe. But I would never ever disrespect anyone who has enough courage to do what they do. That's just low.
Anyway....his voice is just heart melting, and if I had to choose someone to sing a song for me, I have to admit he'd probably be second on the list. It's so gorgeous, I've cried on quite a few occasions listening to it.

Satoshi from Girugamesh.
Oh lord, this man's voice. It's just fabulous. Owari to Mirai shows it, especially. I can't listen to that song without feeling completely overwhelmed. His voice is just amazing.

Kaya from Schwarz Stein....to be honest, I knew who he was for months before I had even seen a picture of him or listened to his music.
Hannah has always been a Mana fanatic...and upon reading one of his journals or something, she came across the journals from a man called Kaya.
She sent me the link, and I never really thoguht to read it, because if he was associated with Mana, I just didn't think I'd be interested.
Then one day, I just decided...I was bored enough to go look it up.
I didn't get off of his website for hours.
I spent minute after minute after minute reading his words, wondering how such beautiful and sometimes silly things could come out of someone in a band like what I thought Schwarz Stein would be.
Then a couple of months later, I realized I hadn't even listened to his music. This man who had brought me so much peace just by recording nonchalant little events in his day, and I hadn't even listened to his work.
He has the voice of an angel, that's all I can describe it as. Sad and beautiful and agonizingly heart-wrenching all at the same time.
And I love him for that.

Owari to Mirai.

I'd better get to bed...I'm supposed to be going over to Rachael's tomorrow.

Good night


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