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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Current song :: Anti-Flag - Project For A New American Century
yesterday was, very nice.

We were going to go see a concert, because Rachael/Megan's friends Ben and Christian have a band and were performing, but we got there right after they had finished playing began's Rachael's mom dropped us off late.
So we just went with some of Megan's friends who were there and drove around downtown Nashville.
It was kind of scary.
We were in the part of town where drug deals go down on street corners. I know. I saw a few as we drove by.

We got back to the concert venue before Rachael's mom came, because we weren't supposed to leave the area (oops, haha).
But her mom was going to be another hour, we found out, so we had to sit around and wait for her. I just called people until someone answered the phone. Which ended up being Lauren :D But it's cool, she was only the second person I called.
I called Timmy while I was sitting in the car in some freaky alleyway when everyone else was outside smoking (it smelled like weed SO badly outside, I couldn't take it.), but he didn't answer. I assume he was at work or something? I dunno O: Hope I didn't bother him...

Anyway when we got to Rachael's house (Megan and I spent the night there) we were all pretty tired so we just ate and then went downstairs to the computer.
We were uploading pictures we took at the concert venue and checking our Myspaces like good little computer addicts.
While I was editing a couple of pictures, my phone started to ring. I recognized the ring tone (as I have a different ring tone for nearly everyone). It was Timmy.

So I answered it and got off the computer...
and inevitabley ended up being on the phone for about 2 1/2 hours (until 4 am my time, 2 am his time). We talked forever, and he is such a sweetheart. Strange, but very sweet.
We talked about stuff I don't talk about with a lot of people. Life, philosophy, religion. Things like that.
I didn't talk much, because I'm not the best with vocalizing my thoughts, but he understood. Besides, he is very good at speaking so he talked most of the time. But I didn't mind, I prefer to listen :)
And I found out, last night, something that made me very happy.
He has a crush on me :D
He flat out said it. Just out of nowhere, he said "I like you." and I laughed, thinking he was just being a goof. But then he said "I have a crush on you."
I wasn't sure how to respond, so I just giggled a little bit, and he said "What, you don't believe me?"
I teased him a little bit, and never really did answer his question. He told me I'm very good at changing the subject, hahaha.
Later on, though, he said "I'm going to be very blunt. Remember earlier I said I have a crush on you? Yeah, I wasn't lying. Is that bad?"
To which I replied with a little more teasing before I told him I felt the same way.
He said that made him very happy, and that when I finally get my ass over to California, or if he comes back to TN for MTAC, we are going on a date.
Eeeee, I'm such a retard, I know.
But he's so nice, and I think I started to like him before he liked me. So this is a first...because usually when I like someone they never return the feelings.

He kept yawning and sounded so sleepy, and I kept telling him he should go to sleep, and that I didn't want to be keeping him awake if he was tired.
But he said "No, if I fall asleep with you on the phone it's kind of like sleeping with you."
I mentally "Awwww"ed when he said that, but just laughed and told him he was weird.
His parents came in around 1:30 his time and started bitching at him in Cantonese xD;;
Once he was done talking to them he told me what they said.
He said they were telling him that he had to work in the morning and that he shouldn't be on the phone this late. And his dad said "If that girl really likes you she'd have let you go to bed earlier."
xD I found that really funny, because for the past few hours I had been telling him he needed to sleep.
Finally around 2am his time, he started being reallllyyyy funny and loopy, and I convinced him that he was retarded and NEEDED TO GO TO BED.
xDDD I felt bad for keeping him up so late!!
So he told me he was going to sleep, and we said good night.
But it was a great conversation, it felt so good to find someone I can talk to about things like that :)

Anyway here are some pictures from last night, yay!

I'm a camera whore in the car. I really am.

I eat Rachael's FAAAAAAACE!!

Megan is so cuute ;3;

D: waahh she makes me jealous

I like this one a lot :D!! My hair is flufffyyy.

I have an 80's poof of death.

O: my face looks icky but oh well~


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