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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Current Song :: Kamisori -- Duel Jewel

Oh my god.
That man...is just so beautiful. Sometimes it makes me want to cry.

In other news...
prepare for some good old TMI.
I finally started my period for the first time in like four months -___-;;
I was starting to think my organs just died or something.
But that would explain why I've been so off the past few days.
Bitchy and nauseous.
And I feel really dizzy, for some reason.

I'm going out with Amanda and Ahrahm tomorrow to see a movie, probably Pirates3 since I haven't seen it yet. I don't know if Ahrahm or Amanda have seen it, but I don't think so.
Then tomorrow night Megan is spending the night with me, and Saturday morning we're going to the Cool Springs mall.
It's a little ways away, but Bam Margera is going to be there. And my friends are evidently like Bam Margera freaks xD;;
I personally don't care much, but I figured I'd go. It seems like it'd be fun :)
And he's picking out a few people to hang out with him. My friend Sarah is totally obsessed with him so if she gets picked I know she'll probably die.
It'd be the equivalent of me hanging out with Shun.

Gah I feel sick

): I wish I could go to AX.
All of my hot guy friends are like "awww you're not coming?" and I'm like "...shut up."
XD Damn them. Damn them all.
Except some of them are more like "aww you no coming?"
Rofl, Gotta love Fobby Asian accents ;D

Well I suppose I'm going to go to sleep. I'm dreadfully tired...
Then again I'll probably stay online talking to Natsuo, Lauren, and Georgette.
Because I'm cool like that and too lazy to even go to bed.
Crazy how that stuff works.

G'night (sort of)


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