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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Today was just....horrible all together.

Long story short...
Bam Margera must be infamous for blowing things off, because he didn't show up today.
I didn't really care much. I mean...I was a little put off because that's the only reason 90% of the people went.

My friend...I won't say who to be polite to her (even though she wont see this)...
she got busted for shoplifting.
And I ended up getting stranded at the mall for 4 hours after she got carted off in handcuffs.
My parents, Rachael, and Scott all found out within 20 minutes of it happening.
My parents threw the biggest hissy fit of them all...
I was more worried than anything.

I ended up being alone in that huge fucking mall for a long time. And since it was a skating festival there were a lot of guys there skateboarding and w/e.
I kept getting hit on......by skaters and "juggalos".
For the record -- I hate skating. I hate ICP even more.

And it was not the best day to wear a mini skirt.

I bummed a cigarette of this girl who was friends with a really cute guy. He was sitting next to me talking about Bam or whatever, and he told me he had come all the way up here from Savanna, Georgia just to see him.
And another guy I mey came from Michigan to see him.
And he didn't even show up. How crappy is that of him?
Anyway, I had to run outside to smoke it, obviously. But I also didn't have a lighter, so I ran around trying to find someone with a cigarette so I could ask for a light. Every person I ran into I just didn't feel like I should trust asking....
So tell me my logic with the rest of the story--
I find a guy with a 2 foot blue and black mohawk wearign a black muscle band shirt revealing all his piercings and tattoos...and have him light my cigarette for me.
Duuuude. I win.

Anyway when my parents finally picked me up they were really mad and told me I wasn't allowed to hang out with Megan anymore.
I told them to shut up, and had I had the guts to start any MORE drama for the night -- I would have told them to shove it back up their asses.
They pissed me off.
Rachael is spending the night tonight and she's going to help me talk to my mom...


It took me half an hour to do my fucking hair this morning xD (not counting the hour for me to redye it red. It was blue and purple for the past 2 weeks.) And yeah it's not a very flattering picture rofl

Eep. My new Myspace default XDD rofl. Funny face desu.

beep. I make weird faces too much.

Meep. I also text too much :DD (AND simultaneously make strange faces!! Yay for double talent?!)

Megan is so cute ;_; *squishes her* I love youuuu

Aw, pretty pretty baby. She never lets go of that camera XD

My mirror = my friend.
I'm so not vain x]~

;______; oh damn. This was the only kitty at the pet store. He was so lonely and sad looking, and he kept scratching and mewing at the glass at me and Megan.
I felt so bad and wanted to just love on it and pet it for a while.
But you have to be 18 to hold the animals (ghey.) and if I had, I would have probably cried rather than put him down
;_____; Poor little baby.


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