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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I won't be online as often as usual anymore, thanks to this stupid dial up.
): It's just so frustrating.

So...yeah. I may still update and stuff but I won't be as actively doing much else (i.e. Myspace comments and stuff may take a while to reply).

My gay neighbor, Adam, has been gone the past 2 days so Rachael came over and we spent the night at his house to "house sit" and watch his animals.
We were going to invite more people over after my parents went to sleep because we know Adam wouldn't care as long as we didn't break anything (not that we were gonna TELL him, but if he found out he wouldn't be mad or anything).
But no one could find a way to sneak out EITHER nights. Except the first night Rachael's friend Karey came over, she's nice.

So the first night, we literally didn't sleep AT ALL. I stayed up all night playing The Sims 2 XDD Because I'm the ultimate retard.
Karey and Rachael played for a little while, too, but mostly they just sat around and talked.
His fucking little dog Maggie he just got, it's a fox terrier I think, is a BITCH.
Well...literally, she is, but that's not what I meant.
I took Maggie for a walk and my mom grabbed Gypsy (our black lab) and took her with us. Well Maggie is a total spaz and ripped the fucking leash from my hands, but I know from the night before that SHE DOES NOT COME BACK.
Because the night before, I ran around the ENTIRE apartment complex screaming obscenities and her name at the top of my lungs because she kept running from me and wouldn't come back until I BODY SLAMMED her stupid ass.
Anyway, when my mom and I took them out, she ripped the leash out of my hand so I went tearing off to try and jump on the leash. Gypsy freaked out and started trying to chase me and Maggie, and then I finally was able to grab the leash, but then Maggie and Gypsy both started winding around my legs (and I was wearing shorts) and then RAN.
Needless to say -- they left HUGE rope-burn welts in the backs of my knees and a huge burn/cut in the front of my left knee. It was not fun. And then they wound around my moms legs and dragged her down too and she started laughing so hard she pissed herself XD
So I fell over, laughing and crying because I knew how funny it must have looked so stupid. My dad and Rachael were looking at us from on top of the balcony laughing their asses off instead of helping us, and only when I started screaming "GODDAMNIT I'M BLEEDING" did they decide to come down and get the dogs untangled. Bastards.

Then when we got back to Adam's Rachael couldn't find anyone to bring her alcohol (because Karey brought her some pineapple rum the night before) so I gave her a hydrocodone (they're like lortabs).
They're my moms pills, but I take them to go to sleep because they kick in fast.
Rachael takes them to get high though -_-;; Bleeehhhh.
I was on the phone with Timmy for 4 hours last night, and he was telling me "I don't think you should give those to her, you're just encouraging her drug use." And coming from him, that's saying something, because he's done every drug known to man before ):
But meh. I didn't really care, it's not as bad as some of the shit she was trying to get. So in essence, I was kind of glad I got her to settle for a lortab instead of weed or something.

Timmy is so sweeeeeet ):
You know how I know I'm pitiful? Because when he had to go last night he said "Hey I have to go to work in the morning, so I have to sleep now okay? I love you."
He's never said that before, and I just smiled and said "I love you too." and we both just said goodnight.
But that made me so happy to hear him say that :)
I'm not taking it like "OMFGHE'SINLOVEWITHME", no no, I'm not that retarded haha. But it's just nice to know someone cares about you even a little bit. Especially when you care about them too. (aw cheesey moment.)

He had been saying all night "I'm gonna try to sleep, but I don't want to hang up." And he'd try to sleep and kept telling me to talk because he liked to hear my voice *squees*
But I always manage to keep him up even when he's dead tired, because he'll return conversation sometimes XD;;
So eventually he just had to say he was going to go, because last time we were up all night on the phone he kept falling asleep at work oo;;;

Adam found an abandoned baby kitten today and is going to bring it home and see if I can find a friend to bring it home. He sent my mom a picture on her phone and it's TINY.
): Who the hell would abandon a baby like that???

*humphs* I'd keep it if I could. Poor thing.

Anyway I have to go, I may be spending the night at Megan's tonight :3



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