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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, June 25, 2007

Well Amanda is going to be here within an hour to get the kitten :)
I calld her yesterday because I knew she had been looking to get a cat since she got rid of her bunnies, and she said yes!!
So the kitty is asleep under my futon right now. I just gave her breakfast so she'd be full for the ride over to Amanda's house.

Awwwww. I had a video of her meowing while she ate but the camera deleted it XD Damn it all.
(and thanks to my fucking new Dial Up, that picture took FOREVER to upload. *grumbles*)

Lucky (my cat) keeps meowing at my bedroom door =o=
But he's never seen another kitten before, becuase his litter and mother were killed by something before he was even weaned, so I dunno how he'll react to that baby.
I was holding her yesterday and kneeled down to let Lucky see. His eyes went really wide and he got up on his hind legs to sniff her, but I didn't want to take chances because she's really weak, so I stood back up.

It was so sad.
When we got her last night she was terrified and it took me all of 20 minutes to get her to calm down and to be comfortable with my presence.
I was laying with her in my mom's bed when I noticed a bug run through a patch of her white fur O_O
so I ran into the bathroom with her and started picking apart her fur and sure enough, she was fucking infested with fleas.
There were so many they were running across her poor little eyes DDDDD:
And there were so many eggs. If I had shaved her, her skin would have looked black from all the eggs all over her.

My mom and I found some flea shampoo for the dog, but it was the best we could do.
So then came the fun part -- we had to give the cat a bath...has anyone ever tried giving a cat a bath? Even little ones with hardly any teeth or claws?...Yeah, not fun.

We had to give her like 3 of them to get rid of all the fleas too :(
The first bath we gave her -- the water turned dark brown from all the dirt in her fur. And while I was wiping her off and picking out some of the dead fleas, I noticed the towel she was in was getting bloody.
She was openly bleeding from all of the bites ;O;
Every time we wiped her off with a towel blood would show up on it, it was so fucking sad.

After those baths, we didn't want to get her wet again for a little while because she's so emaciated, so I took her into my room and started picking more fleas off of her and throwing them in a cup of bleach ;_; They still hadn't all died yet.
My dad got home just then and found this spray under our sink or something that was supposed to immediately kill fleas and didn't involve rinsing at all O:
So I coated her with that about 3 times within the next few hours, and I'm pretty sure they're all gone by now :)

She's eating more, and Amanda and her mom know how to take care of kittens -- so I trust they'll take good care of her.
She's just so frail.

I promised Timmy I'd call him tonight because he's off work tomorrow O:
I talked to him last night for about an hour but he kept falling asleep on me xD
So I finally got him to hang up so he could go to bed, and he told me he was off on Sunday so I can call him Saturday night and we can talk as long as we'd like to :)
Yay again!

Maybe I can go to Megan's tonight...I miss her, and she's ungrounded now.
I'll have to call her later.

I need to get bleach and re-do my hair, now that I think of Megan xDD;;
Shit...but my hair is so boring right now. I don't know what I could possibley do with it ):

Anyways, take care everyone~


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