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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Okay okay
so in my last post I probably didn't make myself too clear

This neighbor is a really good friend of ours, my mom is friends with him and I babysit and housesit for him on a constant basis. I know his boyfriend (or rather, boyfriends e_e;;).

So if I was going to go up there, I'd be safe.
Aside from liver damage and all.

But...I'm not going to. We're going to reschedule for a few weeks from now...
Because I was on the phone with Timmy last night again and he reminded me that I had not only promised myself but that I had promised him that I wouldn't drink for a month.
And it's only been 2 weeks.

He said that Saturday night he's going to call me, and that if I'm drunk he'll be very upset with me...
So he made me promise that I wouldn't, and told me to take it slower.

We don't have a lot of serious conversations where he actually sounds that serious, so I knew he was being honest.

Everytime I think about it, though, my conscience gets buried a little deeper inside myself and I almost just say "oh screw it I'm getting hammered".
It's not something you can understand until you've experienced it...being intoxicated is like a freedom for me. It's so much more fun than anything around here, everything's just so dull.
I realize how naļve that is, and how stupid and irresponsible.
I know.
But it doesn't lessen the unhealthy want I have for it.

anyway...on a more funny note...xD
Timmy and I always ALWAYS fall asleep on the phone together. Because niether of us like to hang up ._.
So anyway last night I was getting really tired and started stretching, and um...
well it's been brought to my attention before that people stretching produces rather...erotic sounding noises XD
It didn't occur to me until last night when I kept stretching while he was playing WoW (because he's a nerd xD) and he goes "every time you do that I get really...REALLY...distracted."
I was oblivious at first, and didn't get it. And then later I mentioned "my friend told me people stretching sounds erotic XD"
and he goes "I KNOW, THAT'S WHAT I MEANT. The 'guy downstairs' kept waking up!"
...I busted up laughing so hard I almost fell off the couch xD;; and I blushed magenta x39320432

ohhh jeez *headdesk* kehehehe. So I kept annoying him throughout the conversation by exaggerating my stretches
I'm horrible, I know I know.

I'm going to go eat now :)



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