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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Today was just a day where you wake up and know it's gonna be bad.

I woke up really hot and uncomfortable.
My hair feels disgusting and I know I need to shower -- but I can't shower because my bathroom hasn't been cleaned from when I had the kitten in there and I'm too scared there are fleas. And my dad won't let me use my parents' shower.
Our cable box got turned off, probably because we didn't pay it (and I'm mad b/c I was waiting like 2 months for a new episode of Degrassi which airs tonight).
I was supposed to go see a movie with Amanda, Ahrahm, and Rachael, but I'm broke as all hell.

Rachael says she'll pay for me but...I just never liked people having to do things for me. I hate people paying for me, I always feel horrible about it.
I don't like being dependant on people.
And I don't like people spending money on me.

But I guess I can let her...I'll pay her back or something whenever I get money next.

Adam still hasn't gone to get Abby back yet, so there went my babysitting...he's a slacker anyway, I should have known.
And now he has 3 other people living with him, so he doesn't need me there to babysit anymore.

I hate people who fucking promise something and then fuck me over at the last minute.
It's happened twice with jobs so far and I'm beginning to think I'm just going to be unemployed and broke forever.
It's not that I'm not trying, I'm applying like hell.

I'm just going to go eat and then clean my shower so I can be clean, I guess...


on the bright side -- I do love my Korean hip hop boys
D: Rain...Hoi...SE7EN...please jump out of my birthday cake

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