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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, July 9, 2007

I don't want to go outside anymore. I know that's not a good thing, and I know it's not healthy.
I just kind of want to sit in my room until I'm 18.
I have no interest in being here, there's nothing I want to do anymore outside of my house (not sober anyway) so my mind kind of figures "Why bother leaving the house until you can leave the state."

But I can't stay in my room for 2 more years...it just doesn't work that way.
No one would leave me alone, it would be impossible.

I'm invited to go places with people and I say yes just because I know they want me to.
Because I know that if I say no all the time they'd get mad at me, or even worse, they'd worry about me and then make a big deal out of it.
But I really don't care anymore.
For once I have a really busy week, and despite the fact that I'm always complaining about being bored -- I really would just rather lay on my bed and stare at the wall.

This week thus far:
Tonight --
ɳachael picks me up tonight around 10:00
ÉÔpending the night at her house so I can babysit her sister in the morning

Tuesday --
ÉÃabysitting until Rachael and her mom get home around 5:00
ÉÈoing to the mall with them to eat and get clothes for Rachael
ÉÔleeping over again so I can babysit again

Wednesday --
ÉÃabysitting until Rachael and her mom get home around 5:00
ÉÑrobably going home that night (not sure yet)

skip thursday because nothing has been etablished

Friday --
ɨoing to see POTC3 with Rachael, Keri, Ahrahm, and Amanda. Rachael's paying for me again...god I feel like a loner. I hate people paying for me.
É¢hrahm, Rachael, and Megan stay the night at my house
ɸe go up to Adam's and get hammered because I'm finally able to drink again.
É©opefully make it back to my house and pass out by 5 or so.

As for the weekend, I have no idea.
But take 3 guesses to what I'm looking forward to the most.
I don't like reality these days, I prefer to be in my own little world. It's a good thing I made a solid promise that I wouldn't try hallucinogens (at least not for a long while), because I could have some by tomorrow if I wanted to.

Life is so dull. Excuse my complaints.


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