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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Accidentally deleted my last post @_@
So as it is -- I am now officially the girlfriend of this raging dumbass O:


That word is still hard for me to say :x
or "boyfriend"

I think I'm still in a disbelieving kind of shock

I'm babysitting and I can't spend all my babysitting time in the basement on the computer -- so I better get upstairs and make sure Rachael's sister isn't dying XD


That was it.
I don't know how I managed to delete it but I did o_O;;

Anyway I got my Harry Potter book last night 8D
XDD *nerd*
I was drunk as hell at the Harry Potter thing at Books-A-Million.
I was with like 4 people when we got there, but near the end of the night about 4 more of my friends accumulated there.
I was the only drunk one but that's b/c Ahrahm was going to drink, but all we had was whiskey.
I hate whiskey normally, but I had Dr. Pepper as a chaser. Despite the fact that I hate soda normally, I really wanted to be drunk @@;;

But as the night went on I just got more and more upset because there were 2 people there I really really didn't like and they were mean to me while I was drunk.
Now -- I'm not trying to put blame on anyone...but I take things more personal when I'm drunk.
Especially since I wasn't hammered, I was only drunk enough to fall over.
So I ended up crying a lot but no one really noticed because I didn't want to make everyone even more mad at me.
Mitch and Sarah were fine with me being drunk;;;
Most people don't know how to handle me because I'm really loud and I fall over and lay wherever I land. That's basically all I do.
I don't get angry, I rarely get upset (with the exception of this because I didn't like the people around me), I just giggle and have to be assisted with walking.
But I guess that's annoying...? D: I don't know.

I just couldn't wait to get home. I was really quiet the rest of the night because I didn't want to piss anyone off anymore.
Megan was being mean to me too )<
I really am getting sick of her. I swear.
OH! I almost forgot. The reason Ahrahm decided not to drink was b/c when she took her first shot (we were drinking in the bed of Mitch's truck) she choked (it was really strong whiskey Dx) and ended up tipping over the bottle and spilling it everywhere.
Including my pants. I smelled sooo strongly of liquor for the rest of the night, I'm pretty sure anyone who passed me could easily figure out I was drunk.
I just smelled more drunk than I really was, so they kept treating me like I was retarded =A=;;
It was a crappy night.

Rachael stayed with me last night, we were going to go to Megan's tonight so we could drink because Megan's mom is beyond stupid and we always sneak down to her pool to do anything...but Megan never asked so we can't now -_-;;

So I'm waiting for Rachael to get off work now...expecting a really boring night.

good night, everybody~


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