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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, August 9, 2007

I know what has to be done in this situation. Or rather, I know what everyone else wants me to do...
But I just can't. It would break my heart as well as his (merely proving how naive the both of us are).

I can't do this.
I've just gotten over the stress of everything else, and I don't know how much I can handle.
The most I can do is just whine.
So bear with me.

I have school on Monday. Including many AP and Honors classes that require I put forth extra concentration, or else fail miserabley.
I'm so...*sighs*
I need to handle this but I don't know if I can.
I have a lot to deal with right now, sure not as much as some people, but it's more than enough to keep me more busy than usual.

I just want everyone to be happy
or content at the very least
I wish everyone would stop stabbing people in their backs
I wish you could get help when you asked for it
I wish loneliness was nonexistant
I wish I could just make people...feel like smiling again.

This weekend I plan on doing wormwood with Rachael. I don't care how dangerous it is, it's legal to buy and I can't get arrested for getting high off of it.
It's six dollars for a small bag, all I have to to is put it in a coffee filter, make tea out of it, and I'll be tripping balls.
I want to see whatever's locked inside my brain. I want to hallucinate like hell, maybe it will break my artist's block.
I want to paint while I'm tripping.
I want to see what I can do.

I would just drink the rest of her vodka but after last weekend I'm not touching alcohol for a while.


P.S. I just ordered like 5 anime DVDs on netflix. I haven't watched anime in a long time =\
I figure I'll watch some for old times sake.

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