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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sooooo...Rachael, Amanda, Ahrahm, Suzanne and I all went to see Skinwalkers last night.
It sucked, frankly.
Graphics were horrible and it was predictable as hell. I was very disappointed and kind of felt guilty because it was my idea;;
D: I'm sorry, you guuuyyss (even though they don't read this? bahaha)

I just took a shower
it was niiiice @A@
I haven't taken one in two days because I'm stupid and gross lmfao. And right after I got out Timmy called me on his first break at work, so I was talking to him while straightening my hair and ended up getting a steam burn on my face Dx

YAY I'm so happy because I'm shallow xD but I found out he's planning on growing his hair long again and layering it.
I about pissed myself.
Do you guys have any idea how hot I think long, layered hair is?

Just look at Shun from Akon13 in '02.
That was boner. Yes, boner is now an adjective.
Needless to say, by the time Timmy comes for Christmas to visit me, his hair will be really long, and he's gonna get jumped >D

After the movie last night we went to Steak and Shake because they wanted food
I didn't order anything but I did pick at Ahrahm's, Rachael's, and Amanda's fries XD
And I drank half of Ahrahm's milkshake because she didnt want it
I'm a fat kid 8D;
but it pissed me off...Mitch called Rachael and evidently Brandon was with him (Brandon is a "friend" who is really into drugs and was going to give Rachael the cocaine before another person got to her).
He told Rachael I was a dumbass and a bitch because I told my mom that Rachael had done all that coke.
Rachael stood up for me, though, I felt grateful D:
Everyone's just like...mad at me for it. Timmy and my parents both keep telling me it was the best thing and I'm a good friend and not to worry about it, even Rachael said it.
But I'm just sick of the looks I'm getting from people who found out what I did, and I feel like a nark.
I didn't like tell her mother or anything, I didn't even intend for my mother to tell her mother, but it happened and now Rachael is not doing coke anymore. That's all I wanted and Rachael isn't upset, so why is everyone telling me I suck?
I don't fucking get it.
Even RACHAEL'S COUSIN told her she's stupid for not being pissed off at me.
What, does he want to see his cousin die from an overdose or something??? Is he okay with her snorting shit?
I mean...god maybe I am a loser I don't know.

Well anyway, Rachael is here (she spent the night) so I'm going to go ...play 8D


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