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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

His age: 19
How many months are you apart: birthday-wise -- about 3 months.
How long have you been together: almost three months
How Long did you know each other before you got together?: a month or so
What physical features attracted you to him first?: his hair drew me in, he knows this too xD
Eye color: black/brown
Hair color: Which time? (naturally black though)
Hair style: slightly wavy, semi-long (it's growing!)
Normal Outfit: xD I love his little suit he wears to work, nyahahaha.
How did you meet: he went to MTAC :3

How serious is it: He's waiting for me to move in with him when I graduate o.o (slightly if not completely naļve, I know<3)
Do your parents like him: Yes they do
Do you trust him: With everything
Would you share a toothbrush with him: HAHAHA he'd probably gag.
Does he let you wear his pants: Dx are you joking, I'd never fit my fatass into his little asian-boy-sized pants!!
Do you have a shirt of his that you sleep with? I want one ;3;
Do you like the way he smells: x3
Can you picture having kids with him: ....uh, what? XDDD you have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now
What bothers you the most about him: That he gets so easily upset over the strangest things, and that he doesn't really listen. He learns things the hard way. But to each his own, as long as he's safe I don't care :3
Does he have a temper: I've only heard him really angry (to the point of yelling) about twice, and it was scary. But other than that, nah.
Are you happy to be with him: I smile just thinking about him
Do you think you could do better: Depends on your definition. I don't believe in a "better"
Does he embarrass you in public: xDD god he has the worst ideas, he likes to make me blush
Does he smoke or do drugs?: yes and yes (not as many drugs as in the past, but still stuff like CCC or pot occasionally)
Does he drink?: yes, it's our goal to get drunk together ;D

Does he have any piercings?: I'm trying to persuade him to get his lip pierced. *has a super fetish for liprings*
Does he have any scars that you know of?: Yes
Is he a Party dude or Stay at home?: party, life is never boring
Is he Outgoing or Shy?: depends on the atmosphere, mostly outgoing. He can strike up conversation with strangers all the time
Does he love his mama?: aahh...he resents a lot of things she's done, and he gets mad at her a lot -- but he loves her anyway :)
Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends?: Yeah, I don't see why not o_O
Would he hang out with you and HER friends?: ...what?

Sing?: pft, when is that boy not singing? He bursts into song more often than anyone I've ever met in my life.
Call Other Girls?: Yeah, old friends and people with crushes on him xD he's such a tease to those poor girls.
Wear boxers/briefs? BOXERS thank you god

Like I said, mild hiatus for now
I haven't much to say, after all.
good day to you all!!


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