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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, September 10, 2007

So MSI concert was last night.
twas niiiiiiiice.

The two opening bands were...meh.
One was local (called Glitter Dragon) and one was...some sort of joke.
The lead singer of Orgy was their vocalist, but he was ridiculous. I mean holy hell...I was making fun of them the whole time.
(I'm a bitch, what can I say?)

I was there with about 12 other people that I knew xDDDD crazy.
But Ahrahm and I were the only ones who stayed in the pit the entire time.
It was painful. Like...BAD painful o__x

When MSI finally came on, Ahrahm and I had made it to the front where the little gate was separating the stage from the pit. We were like "yayy front"
but uhh...o_O somehow in the midst of the freaking insane mosh pit we got pushed to the center.
It was dangerous, I've usually been up front at the concerts I've been to, so I never had to deal with crazy little "hardcore" dancer kids.
I hate them. Ohhhh how I hate them.
They just flail and literally TRY to knock you to your feet and/or jump on top of you.
I was sweating so hard (is was gross XD). I had an off-the-shoulders shirt on and the only reason it STAYED on (it had been falling off all night since I got in the pit) was because it was so sweaty that it stuck to me....
It was really hard to breathe, too. With all that body heat and B.O. and being crushed and whatnot.
But despite lacking the ability to breathe, the concert was pretty DAMN amazing.
MSI rocked, as I knew they would.
Jimmy wore a white jacket that said "KISS ME $1"
oh god he's amazing ROFL

I forget the setlist, but Jimmy (vocalist, for those who arent' familiar) had us sing along with about every single song.
He was funny as HELL, I swear that man is brilliant XD
He was like "I'm too fucking lazy to sing this shit anymore..." and then he had the audience sing the first part of Faggot before he finally busted out with the lyrics. Bwahaha.

As for the setlist, I remember...
Dicks are For My Friends, Bitches, Faggot, Stupid Mother Fucker, Shut Me Up, I Hate Jimmy Page, Golden I, Bring the Pain (he sang it TOTALLY accapella except we all sang with him)...hmm that's all I remember. I swear there were a couple more I just can't think of them right now XDD
They may have played Boomin and Molly but I'm really not sure.

After the show I went out for a moment to get some air and try to find the other people I'd been separated from, but I ended up just coming back in and I, coincidentally, found them all, haha. Jimmy was up on stage giving people autographs (most of the audience had left HAHA too bad for you people ;P)
So I went up there with Rachael and after a little bit of waiting to get through the little crowd I got up to him, pulled the last $3 of the night out of my pocket, and after taunting for a minute while he signed other things and messed with some people, I ended up getting his attention by shoving the wad of money in his pants 8D But it wouldnt go in b/c his pants were tight (HE IS SO SKINNY. FUCK. It always amazes me haha)
He was like "Well just shove it in there" and he took it and shoved it deeper into his pants XD
Before he got distracted again I said "Hey hey hey, I think I get a kiss for that, Jimmy."
So he goes "Oh" and leaned in and...well gave me a kiss ._.
he licked my mouth XDD It was...odd. To say in the least.
But at least now I can say my first kiss (well to a boy anyway) was taken by Little Jimmy Urine.
XD Priceless.

He also signed Rachael's boobs (though she had a shirt on!)
I wanted to get his auto. but I didn't have anything b/c my clothes wre mostly black except my checkered tights.
It occured to me ONLY after I had left that I was wearing jean shorts underneath my skirt and that I could have taken them off and had him sign them. God knows he would have done it, too. He seemed to love the crazy shit people brought for him to sign.
Some guy gave him one of those yellow "Caution: floor is wet" signs for the floor XDD ]
And someone handed him a purple rubber duck, which he obsessed over for about 5 minutes and drew all over.
Hahaaaa oh god.

all in all:
fucking amazing.


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