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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, September 17, 2007

So I took my valium the day before yesterday
took a shot and a half of vodka

and my life was NIIIIIIIICE for a good hour or two
I was going to add a Darvocet but painkillers + alcohol = nono

so maybe next weekend I'll take one if we can't get any booze, I dunno.
I'd just go buy rolls but even on the discount I can get they're $17 and I don't have the money to be spilling out over ecstasy like that =/

I like being high better than being drunk, I've discovered.
Drunk makes your body heavy, high makes me feel on top of the world.
I'm not a "pothead"...frankly b/c i hate weed, it smells horrible and I dont' want to be a stupid hungry blob of weed-smelling flesh.

I only say all this openly online?
Becuase I know not a lot of people read it
and those who do
i dont fucking care

going to school now


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