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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Im back
back from Katie's house.
We took a bunch of really cool pix last night I'll try to show you guys a couple once Jen gets them uploaded.

I'm not in a very good mood...
I am pissed off about this bitch on Myspace 9_9

nothing really to report um...*thinks of something to say*
We went to the mall today (me; Jen; Katie; Dolly; Bunra; and Bunra's friend, Bid). We ran into EJ and these two people named Christina and Raven (none of whom I'd particularly like to see but it wasn't bad or anything).

Okay well...
I should go practice my guitar, it's been getting neglected...and I have some issues I should be working out but I want to talk to Katie or Joey-kun but niether of them are online sadly...


P.S. My dad gets home today for the weekend and then goes back down to TN on Monday morning. We're probably going out to eat today at the AB but I dont know...

P.P.S. Oh, fuck it all, I left my Duel Jewel shirt at Jen's ;_; *cries* my favorite shirt, guys!!!

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