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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Asian Buffet last night = AWESOME
It made my whole mood so much better b/c I saw every single sexy beast in the place since it was a busy night and they all had to occasionally come out to either use the bathroom or put out food XDD AND THEY SAID...HI!!! *squees*
(me? Need a life? Why I am appalled!!! *shifty eyes*)

My parents and I rented Willy Wonka today, I've seen it but I love Tim Burton and Johnny Depp and my mom wanted to see it so we got it anyway XD
my dad didnt like it @__@

We went out to eat for breakfast and I felt so utterly...
well you can guess the word if you've known me for a while.
Let's just say it was a buffet and I whined about too much fat for about 10 minutes ^^;

I found this Japanese CD-rom at Media Play (or rather, my mom did) and I'm planning on getting it so I can get a little assistance. I already admit it I know quite a bit, but not nearly enough to have an extensive conversation. Just merely enough to comminucate ^^;

We were gonna go to Media Play today so I could see it and look around at guitars and whatnot, but it was closed b/c we were up at ungodly hours -_- (aka 9:00 am)
So nothing was open, but we're going back later today. And I have to get my Duel Jewel shirt from Katie's house...

I cannot WAIT until next week!
We're leaving for Boston next Sunday, and I LOVE it there. Salem is amazing, we went there for Halloween last year. and omg, wait for the comment--
(I'm terrible I know 9_9)
Last time I was there I rode on the subway and I was surrounded by a big group of Asian business-men looking guys, and one of them was reading Rurouni Kenshin over my shoulder (i had the manga XD)
It made me happy,
And my mom promised to buy me my own digital camera to take with me ^o^
So Chinatown hotness better beware! For I now have to power of---

That is about it for today...School tommorrow, joy for me, ne? 9_9 *sighs*


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