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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Thank you Zero li Enna, I know you are right...
and thanks to the other 2 people to comment, it meant something to me that at least a few people cared.

I have a lot of English homework to do -_-;
And my dad is going to let me move in with him as soon as I want to, though it will be a 1 bedroom apt for a while...
Assuming we have the money to do that b4 Xmas.

Ugh I feel so full...
It sounds stupid b/c I only had was 3 fries and half of a biscuit thing at lunch...and i just ate a bowl of cereal....
But oh my gods I feel so sickeningly full XP

For everyone who knows me on Myspace, I put up new pictures, if you are interested...


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