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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My friend Gloria told me that she found a new Asian boy with Jrock hair (we think he's a freshie like us LMAO) in school!!!!
She's gonna introduce me tommorrow @__@ -drools at thought-

im eating neapolitan ice cream...damn ive eaten like half the box since we got it -guilt- -shame- -angst-

going to Boston soooon ^__^ just two more days until we leave (2 more full days...we leave on Sunday)

wow i should stop eating this my mom will definitely come home and tell me im fat b/c she hasnt had any of this yet...
note to self: NEVER eat ice cream out of the box ;_;
OMG I ATE IT TO THE BOTTOM!! AAAUUGHHH!! -puts box away- .__.
-grabs knees and rocks back and forth-


P.S. I have my pic of me w/D'Ray scanned so if you want me to post it tell me in a comment please and ill do it either l8er tonight or tommorrow morning or something b/c i prolly wont be here 2morrow afternoon (going to a concert maybe)

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