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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Music: Monkey Magic ::: by Orange Range rofl, I love this song XDD
I was at Jen/Katie's house lats night, it was pretty fun though I didnt get there til about 12 am so we were up until around 2 am.

We went to the AB today, just me, Katie, and Jen.

It was great, we talked to Chi Weng and it was more than just "hi how are you?" though we said that too lol.

(And no, for people who don't know this already, Chi Weng is not his real name, it's Cameron, and he is an extremely sexy waiter that works at the AB, which is Asian Buffet, my fave restaurant. The entire staff is freakishly sexy [well....90% of the guys anyway...] and thus me and my friends go there often. Now that that is done...on with the story...)

And every time the door opened to the back kitchens we'd sneak peeks and see the GORGEOUS cooking staff, and they keep getting new guys and each one is sexier than the next.

And every time we'd look we'd both look at eachother and think/say:

"Damn it all, we are such losers." and then laugh and do it again XD

And Jen was wearing my Xmas present to her, a shirt with Bruce Lee on the front that says "Bad Mofo" underneath it lol. She loves Bruce Lee to death and I like him too so it was all good ^^

Awww the song changed and now it is Seo Taiji....I love this little guy...o__o yes well anyway...

The manager saw the shirt as we were leaving and he said "Oh, Bruce Lee, huh?" (again for people who do not know, the manager is so very adorable and likes me a lot b/c me and my dad/friends are like ALWAYS in his restaurant, lol) and we went "Yeah! He's the best!" and he laughed and said "He's a good man." and we said "yeah!"

lol, very exciting conversation, I know XDD

Katie wasn't there for that though b/c she left early to go to her friend EJ's birthday party. Me and Jen only stayed at the AB for about ten or fifteen minute after she left and made small talk with Chi Weng (sexy beast...poor thing cannot speak much english but it is cute when he does LOL)

And then we went to Barnes and Noble and bought "Making Out in Japanese". Great great book LOL

It has some dirty phrases in there to learn, anyone interested in Japanese should check it out XD

of course we already knew a lot of stuff in the book -shifty eyes- Is that bad? x__x

And now I'm at home...

We're leaving EARLY tomorrow morning, like I have to wake up around 4 or something ;_;

Granted, i wake up around 5:15 or 5:30 on school days, but still! UGH

Ugh I gained a pound b/c I ate so much at the AB -dies-

Oh well I wont eat much tomorrow b/c I'll be in the car all day ^^;;

I will still update b/c we have the laptop we're bringing, and if I can hook up the webcam to it I'll REALLY REALLY try to broadcast live or something from my car XDDD

Jen wants me to take the laptop to the Boston Chinatown and broadcast for her 9__9

See? It's okay to be a loser sometimes, it makes us happy XDD

Speaking of which, my Xmas present from Jen was GREAt. It was half of the piece of fringe we had grabbed off of Hizumi's shirt at the D'Ray live, LOL. It may be just a little piece of leather but it means a lot that she gave part of to me b/c I had one originally, of my own but it got lost at the con and HJana-chan and my parents were in a hurry to leave and wouldnt let me look for it. And I know Jen, and that she was probably internally conflicting with herself, but I love my present no matter what it is. Besides, man, come on! It was on Hizumi-sama!!!!

Much luv all, I'll update as soon as I can!


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